
ɡuó jì xìn tuō
  • international trust
  1. 上世纪90年代亚洲金融危机期间,尽管拥有广东省政府的隐性担保,广东国际信托投资公司(guangdonginternationaltrust)仍走向了破产。

    During the 1990s Asian financial crisis , the Guangdong International Trust went bust , in spite of an implicit Guangdong state government guarantee .

  2. 这些公司包括百瑞信托(BridgeTrust)和北京国际信托(BeijingInternationalTrust),美国的摩根大通在2012年收购了前者的少量股权,而英国资产管理公司安石(Ashmore)在2007年收购了后者19.9%的股份。

    These include the Bridge Trust , which saw US bank JPMorgan buy a small stake in 2012 , and the Beijing International Trust , which saw UK asset manager Ashmore buy a 19.9 per cent stake in 2007 .

  3. 在此之前麦格理也做出了类似的动作,这家澳大利亚金融集团于2015年11月出售了其在2009年收购的华澳国际信托(Sino-AustralianInternationalTrust)的19.9%的股份。

    The divestment followed a similar move by Macquarie , the Australian financial group , which sold its 19.9 per cent stake in the Sino-Australian International Trust in November after entering the business in 2009 .

  4. 国际信托受益人法律救济研究

    The Research on the Legal Remedy of International Trust Beneficiary

  5. 中国国际信托投资公司(中信)

    China International Trust and Investment Corporation ( CITIC )

  6. 西安国际信托有限公司信托业务风险管理研究

    Study on the Risk Management of Trust Business-Xi'an International Trust Co. , Ltd

  7. 国际信托投资有限公司

    " International Trust and investment Co. , Ltd. "

  8. 第三部分国际信托法律冲突的解决。

    Part III : The solving of the conflicts of law of international trust .

  9. 信托:房地产融资的新亮点&访北京国际信托投资有限公司总经济师时宝东

    Real Estate Investment Trust : The New Highlight

  10. 中国国际信托投资公司。

    China international trust & investment corporation .

  11. 本文以山东省国际信托有限公司为平台,对山东省中小微企业信托融资情况进行了深入调查。

    Investigate the situation of trust financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in Shandong province .

  12. 信托的性质直接影响着国际信托的法律适用规则。

    The characters of the trust have direct influence on the legal application of international trust .

  13. 千金一诺,至信国托&访山东省国际信托投资有限公司董事长朱崇利先生

    Shandong International Trust and Investment Corporation

  14. 第二部分国际信托法律冲突的产生及其主要表现。

    Part II : The occurrence and main character of the conflicts in international trust law .

  15. 中国国际信托投资公司可能愿意同某些拥有先进技术的小公司打交道。

    CITIC may want to deal with some of these very small , advanced technology firms .

  16. 成立于1986年的大连国际信托投资公司(简称大连国投)是典型的国有金融机构。

    Dalian International Trust & Investment Corporation ( DITIC ) which was founded in 1986 is an example .

  17. 希望本篇论文能为我国的国际信托司法实践具有一定的指导作用。

    I hope this paper could have a directing function to the international fiduciary judicial practice in our country .

  18. 广东国际信托投资公司申请破产这件事情,是中国金融改革过程中的一个个别事件。

    The application bv Gitic for bankruptcv is an individual case in the course of financjal reform in China .

  19. 曾先后任中国国际信托投资公司汕头公司专职法律顾问、广东律师事务所律师。

    He used to be the legal adviser of China International Trust and Investment Corporation Shantou Branch and a lawyer with Guangdong Law Office .

  20. 正是信托投资机构的外部环境与内部管理两方面的原因,导致了信托机构经营中的巨大风险,广东国际信托投资公司的清算就是风险暴露的必然结果。

    Poor outside environments and inside management led to great risk in their operation , of which the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Trust Corporation is an example .

  21. 国际信托的法律适用规则经历了一个漫长的发展演变过程,从最早单纯适用物之所在地法到现在盛行信托自体法理论。

    The applicable law of international trust comes through a long evolvement from the simply applying of lex in rem to the popularity of the trust proper law .

  22. 为了便于广泛接触,中国国际信托投资公司可以作为中国在实行对外开放中的一个窗口。

    We need to expand it . To facilitate extensive contacts , the China International Trust and Investment Corporation can serve as a window to the outside world .

  23. 例另外,据观察人士说,广东国际信托投资公司倒闭案损害了包括日本在内的外国金融机构对中国的信用。

    Some observers say that the bankruptcy of GITIC has actually made the foreign financial institutions , including some Japanese financial institutions , lower their credit rating of China .

  24. 本文试对国际信托法律冲突问题进行探讨,以求抛砖引玉,引发对此问题广泛的研究。

    The thesis has a comprehensive and thorough discussion about the conflict of law concerning the international trust , which hopefully serves as a trigger for further research about this issue .

  25. 但至今只有广东省国际信托投资公司是真正通过司法程序破产退市,仍然没有银行是通过司法途径破产清算的。

    But up to now only Guangdong trust the investment company is the real case which have bankrupted through the judicial process , still have no bank pass the judicial path for bankruptcy .

  26. 1999年广东国际信托投资公司破产案震惊世界,涉及全球130多家银行、2万多个人储户和8万多股民。在近期的德隆事件中,德隆集团及其下属子公司总负债高达570亿元。

    In 1999 , the world was shocked by the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Intrust Investment Company in which more than 130 banks , over 20,000 depositors and over 80,000 shareholders were involved .

  27. 国际信托法律冲突的产生有其必然性。国际信托关系的客观存在、各国信托立法的差异以及信托立法的域外效力等因素的共同作用,导致了国际信托法律冲突的产生。

    The objective existence of the international trust relationship , the discrepancy of the trust legislation in various countries and the external force of the trust legislation , the collective effect of all of the above factors creates the conflicts of the international trust law .

  28. 在我国,从1979年10月第一家信托投资公司&中国国际信托投资公司成立至今,信托业先后于1982年、1985年、1988年、1993年、1999年进行了五次大规模的治理整顿。

    In China , since the founding of the first trust company , i.e. China International Trust & Investment Company , the trust industry encountered five large-scale revamps in 1982 , 1985 , 1988 , 1933 and 1999 . With the enacting of Trust Law of P.R.

  29. 因此,研究信托公司风险管理至关重要。西安国际信托有限公司是目前西安市业务发展最大的一家信托公司,随着信托业务的快速发展,及目前所面临的金融环境,风险管理问题尤为突出。

    Therefore , it is very important to research risk management of the trust companies . Xi ' an International Trust Co. , Ltd is of the largest business scale in Xi ' an . With the rapid growth , risk management is more pressing under present financial condition .

  30. 大田国际博览会信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Taejon International Exposition