
  1. 尽管在国债理论方面国内外已经有了不少研究成果,但仍有进一步研究的必要。

    Though great achievement has been made in the theory of national debt , it is still necessary to make a further study on it .

  2. 第二部分,国债理论及其风险的综述,主要介绍了国债的含义、发展过程,并讲述了风险及国债风险知识。

    Part ⅱ focuses on the meaning , function and development of national debt , and talks about the risk and national debt risk knowledge .

  3. 第二章国债理论研究进展和我国的国债实践,综述国内外国债理论研究的进展和我国国债发行的实践以及国债适度规模的研究方法。

    Chapter 2 : The research of the theory of national debt and the practice of the debts issuing in China , in this part , we sum up the theory of national debts and the method of researching moderate scale in China and other countries .

  4. 第三部分从政府债务者的角度出发,在对国债相关理论进行分析的基础上,运用数理统计分析的方法,对我国国债存在的各种风险进行实证评估。

    Part ⅲ uses the mathematical and statistical analysis methods to study the empirical analysis about risk assessment of our national debt , which bases on the theory of national debt about qualitative analysis from the perspective of the issuer .

  5. 文中首先回顾中长期国债的相关理论和方法,引出了国债价格变动理论;

    This paper first reviews the relevant theories and methods , which draws out the treasury bond price undulation theory .

  6. 与以往其他研究不同,本文对国债回购的理论基础进行了归纳总结,提出了国债回购产生的四个理论支持。

    Quite different with the other researches , this essay starts with the induction of theories concerned and finds out four theoretic supporters .

  7. 我国国债金融功能的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking of the Financial Function of National Debt in Our Country

  8. B-样条法构造国债利率期限结构理论及其实证分析

    B-spline Method Constructing Theoretical Treasury Yield Curves Theory with Practice

  9. 本文第一章对国债回购的基本理论进行了介绍。

    Chapter 1 introduce the basic theory of the treasury bonds repurchase .

  10. 第二部分阐述了国债期货的定价理论,以及国债期货市场交易者的三种交易行为&套期保值,投机和套利交易的一般原理,阐述了套期保值理论的发展和应用。

    The second deals with the theoretical pricing of the national debt futures and the three different kinds of transaction in the market : hedge , speculation and arbitrage .

  11. 第一部分阐述论文的主要研究背景、研究思路和技术路线,同时对与国债绩效有关的理论如等价理论和内生增长理论等进行剖析。

    The first part expatiates the studied background , studied ways and technique route , contemporary analyses some theory related to national debt performance such as equivalence theories and endogenetic theories .

  12. 通过比较分析得出在同样的利率变化下,我国中长期国债实际价格和理论价格变动的差距非常大。

    Through Comparison and analysis , we can get that under the same condition of interest rate undulation , the practical price of the medium and long term treasury bond is far different from the theoretic price .

  13. 从风险和财政风险入手,解释和说明国债风险的涵义,从定性认识、适度国债规模界定的标准体系及利率因素几个方面对国债风险进行理论分析。

    Beginning with risk and financial risk , this part interprets and explains the meaning of the risk of national debt and analyzes it in the aspects of determining the nature , the standard system which determine the moderate size of national debt and interest factor .