
  • 网络national defence fund;funds for national security
  1. 论文根据国内外超轻量化光学系统发展状况,跟踪前沿关键技术的发展,提出超薄反射镜支撑结构设计方法的研究课题,并得到中国科学院国防基金的资助。

    The development of the key technology for the ultra-lightweight optical system both at home and abroad is tracked in this dissertation .

  2. 本课题来源于国防基金科研项目面向雷达天线结构的三维数字化设计分析系统。

    This paper is financed by the National Defense Science foundation project " three-D Digital Design and Analysis System of Catered to Antenna " .

  3. 最后,将工艺质量分析系统应用到国防自然基金重点实验室提供的小批量铝合金薄壁零件中,验证了工艺质量分析方法的可行性。

    Finally , the process quality analytical system was applied to the thin-walled aluminum alloy which was offered by important laboratory of the national defense 's natural fund , thus this system has been verified .

  4. 我的国防部研究基金获得了拨款。

    My Department of Defense research grant is renewed .

  5. 基于高阶统计量理论,本文结合某国防重点实验室基金项目研究计划,在较宽频段内实现了水下目标辐射噪声的重构。

    Based on higher-order statistics theory , underwater targets in a wide frequency band noise reconstruction is realized .

  6. 本论文研究分布式目标高分辨参数估计方法,论文选题来自国防科技预研基金项目。

    The thesis studies parameter estimation of distributed sources , which comes from the national defense science technology fund .

  7. 最后论文将所设计的移相器成功应用于微带天线的极化捷变技术中,顺利实现捷变多极化的设计目标,满足了国防重点实验室基金项目要求。

    In the end , the phase shifter is applied in the polarization agility technology of microwave antenna , and the design object of the task is realized .

  8. 本文结合水下军用目标特性国防重点实验室基金项目,针对能够无失真获取宽带运动源辐射噪声的波束形成技术,系统深入地开展了理论和实验研究。

    Supported by the fund of the Key Laboratory of Military Targets ' Acoustic Characteristics , this dissertation systematically and deeply studied on the wideband array beamforming techniques to accurately acquire moving targets ' radiated noises .

  9. 激光散斑雷达的研制属于总武装部国防科技重点实验室基金项目&导弹目标激光散射特性研究的部分工作。

    The automatically scaling system on laser speckle radar is part of key laboratory fund item from chief arming ministry-the study of missile target laser scattering characteristics .

  10. 最后,提出面向整个国防工业的整合还需设立国防产业投资基金来满足国防工业整合的巨大的资金需求。

    At last , this paper proposes to found a defense industry investing fund to meet the demand .