
ɡuó jiā jīnɡ jì
  • National economy;state economy
  1. 现在假设国家经济稳定,而真实GDP并未增长。

    Now assume a steady state economy where real GDP does not grow .

  2. 中小企业在国家经济中有着重要的作用。

    The small-medium enterprises play an important role in the state economy .

  3. 国家经济正在缓慢但稳步地增长。

    The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth .

  4. 持续的罢工开始严重破坏国家经济。

    Continuing strikes are beginning to play havoc with the national economy .

  5. 政局混乱只加速了国家经济的衰退。

    The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country 's economic decline .

  6. 政府欢迎这场战争,因为它转移了人们对国家经济问题的注意力。

    For the government , the war was a welcome diversion from the country 's economic problems .

  7. 他重申了实施国家经济改革计划的决心。

    He reaffirmed his commitment to the country 's economic reform programme

  8. 弗罗曼称他的国家经济运行良好。

    Frommen says his country boasts a healthy economy .

  9. 英国的小商人是国家经济的支柱。

    The small business people of Britain are the economic backbone of the nation .

  10. 腐败似乎没有影响国家经济的持续繁荣。

    The corruption does not seem to have muted the country 's prolonged economic boom .

  11. 目前的问题是在国家经济岌岌可危的背景下出现的。

    The background to the current troubles is provided by the dire state of the country 's economy

  12. 那个国家经济政策的短暂异常引起了公众的抗议。

    The temporary aberration in the economic policy of the country caused public outcry .

  13. 外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。

    Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned .

  14. 他们的国家经济停滞不前。

    Their national economy is stagnant .

  15. 国家经济前景令人鼓舞。

    The nation 's economy holds out encouraging prospects .

  16. 经合组织发布一份前景暗淡的发达国家经济发展预测报告。

    The OECD issued a grim forecast for the economies of advanced industrialised countries .

  17. 我们只不过进行监管,这就像在真实世界中由央行、财政部长或国家经济研究所对经济进行监管一样。

    It is simply monitored by us just like any other economy in the real world is by a central bank , finance minister or national economic institute .

  18. 她也自己种植粮食来回避战时配给,后来还辞去了她在国家经济委员会的工作,因为那份工作要求她支付社保税。

    She also grew her own food to avoid wartime rationing , and later quit her editorial job with the National Economic Council so as not to pay social security taxes .

  19. 这种做法让一些评论员怀疑她真正的信念到底是什么,她是不是为了在国家经济统制的法国打造政治前程而牺牲了更多市场友好性本能。

    This leads some commentators to wonder what her real convictions are , and whether she has sacrificed her more market-friendly instincts in order to forge a political career in statist france .

  20. 随着物价日益上涨、资产泡沫膨胀,很多新兴国家经济已经过热

    Many are already overheating , with prices rising and asset bubbles inflating .

  21. 艾米丽发现,国家经济状况好时,父母更常给孩子取独特的名字——“我看着你呢!蓝常春藤”。

    Emily found that when the economy is doing well , parents are more likely to give their kids unique names — " I 'm looking at you , Blue Ivy " .

  22. 美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)新近发表的一篇论文,将婚前的幸福水平作为控制变量。

    The new paper , published by the National Bureau of Economic Research , controlled for pre-marriage happiness levels .

  23. WTO多边贸易体制与国家经济安全

    WTO Multilateral Trade System and National Economic Safety

  24. 美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)的商业景气数据委员会负责确定经济衰退的起止时间,但它尚未给本轮经济低迷正式定性。

    The National Bureau of Economic Research 's Business Cycle Dating Committee identifies recessions , and hasn 't weighed in formally on this downturn .

  25. 透过现象看本质,该争端的实质涉及到WTO规则与国家经济主权原则间的博弈。

    Seeing the essence through the phenomena , the essence of the dispute involves struggles between the WTO rules and the principle of national economic sovereignty .

  26. 国民经济核算体系(SNA)以及体系中的核心指标GDP,是衡量一个国家经济水平和经济发展的重要指标。

    System of National Accounts ( SNA ) and GDP of systematic core index are important indices for evaluating national economic level and development .

  27. 常规煤层气生产量的获取不仅对国家经济可持续发展及能源安全具有重要作用,而且也是CO2注入煤层提高煤层气采收率和CO2埋藏量估算的关键。

    Primary CBM production plays an important role in sustainable growth of national economy and energy security and also the key in estimation of CBM recovery rate by CO_2 injection and CO_2 buried quantity .

  28. 就业、收入分配、社会保障与国家经济安全

    Employment , Income Distribution , Social Security and National Economic Safety

  29. 国家经济安全与产业安全研究综述

    Theories : Review of National Economy Security and Industrial Security

  30. 浅议国际军事贸易与国家经济的关系

    Briefly on the relations between international military trade and the national economy