
  1. 日本的国债总额飞升至GDP的180%&这是美国的三倍,也是经合组织国家中最高的。

    The gross national debt soared to180 % of GDP & three times more than America 's and the largest within the OECD .

  2. 修正显示,2009年外国投资者持有的美国国债总额甚至比最初报道的更多。

    These revisions showed that foreigners , in aggregate , were even larger buyers in 2009 than initially reported .

  3. 上周,欧洲央行购买国债总额从头一周操作时的165亿欧元下降到了40亿欧元(51亿美元)。

    ECB bond purchases last week totalled € 4bn ( $ 5.1bn ), down from € 16.5bn in its first week of operation .