
  1. 我国国债市场化发展的几点建议

    Some Proposal of National Debt Market in China

  2. 本文回顾了我国国债市场化程度不断提高,促进了国债金融工具功能的发挥,并逐渐成为金融调控的重要工具的发展历程。

    With the marketilization of China 's government bond market enhanced , the government bond will exert the financial instrument function and become the main instrument of financial control .

  3. 国债发行市场化是一级市场的发展方向。

    Marketeering is the direction of the first rank market .

  4. 从国外经验来看,国债价格机制市场化改革往往走在整个金融市场改革的前沿。

    From western countries ' experiences , the marketization of bond pricing mechanism is usually on the front of the whole financial market reform .

  5. 国债市场与利率自由化&理论解说与发展策略

    Treasury Bond Market and Interest Rate Liberalization & Theoretical Interpretation and Development Strategy

  6. 选择什么样的国债发行方式一直是中国国债市场化改革过程中的一个很重要的问题。

    It is always the most important thing that choosing which kind of issue method during government bonds marketing reform .

  7. 随着国债规模的扩大和国债政策市场化、长期化趋势的确立,优化国债融资成本的迫切性日益突出。

    With public debt scale expanding and public debt 's policy marketing and extending , how to optimize the cost of public debt issue become more and more pressing .