
huí cǎi
  • stope;stoping;extraction;recovery;stopping;backstoping
回采 [huí cǎi]
  • [stope] 用梯段法采掘矿石

  • [stoping;extraction] 修建巷道后进行的采掘、装运、支撑等工序的总称

回采[huí cǎi]
  1. 采用FLASH芯片作为存储介质,用于回采存储PWM脉冲信号。

    As the memory medium , flash memory is used for recovery memory PWM pulse signal .

  2. 设计并实现了基于钻孔数据Delaunay三角网的煤炭储量的计算方法,以及基于采空区资料和矿山回采率数据的储量监控计算方法。

    Designed and implementationed the calculation of coal reserves based on delaunay triangulation and the calculation of storage control based on mined areas and mine recovery rate data . 4 .

  3. 预测煤矿回采工作面产量的BP网络模型

    BP Neural Network Modeling for Predicting Coal Production of Working Face

  4. 基于ANN的综放回采巷道围岩稳定性预测研究

    Prediction study on stability of surrounding rocks in mining gateway of fully mechanized caving mining face base on ANN

  5. L上的关系(?)资源回采率与费用关系研究

    Study On Relation between Resources Recycle Rate and Expenses

  6. 工作面巷道系统形成期间和工作面回采期间都进行矿压观测,并在工作面回采期间应用FLAC~(3D)软件进行模拟数值分析。

    The gas drainage area is disposed at two roadways . The mine pressure observation is done during the period of working face cutting coal and the period of laneway system forming . The software FLAC ~ ( 3D ) is used to modulate .

  7. 分析了灵泉露天煤矿地质水文状况,提出了该矿F4断层带煤壁回采方案。

    We have analysed the geological hydrology state of Lingquan open-pit coal mine , and proposed the coal extraction scheme of this mine F4 shear-zone coal wall .

  8. 运用ANSYS软件对灵宝铁矿进行三维建模分析,得出矿山采空区岩体应力及安全系数分布情况在残矿回采前后的变化规律,评价残矿的回采对采空区岩体稳定性的影响。

    Building 3D model of Lingbao iron mine by ANSYS , evaluating the effect on the stability of the rock mass during residual ore mining , through analyzing the distributing law of stress and safety factor in rock mass before and after residual ore mining .

  9. 采用有限差程序FLAC3D对天马山黄金矿残留矿柱进行回采模拟,对矿柱进行不断的模拟开挖,直至顶板岩层发生破坏。

    The finite difference procedure FLAC3D was adopted to simulate the recovery of the residual pillars in Tianmashan gold mine till the destruction of the roof strata .

  10. 采用RFPA数值分析软件,对孙村矿深部近距离煤层上行开采条件下,上位煤层回采巷道的应力环境进行了分析;

    Under the condition of close distance coal seams ascending mining in Suncun coal mine , using RFPA numerical analysis software , we analyzed the stress environment of the upper coal seam .

  11. 分析探讨了顶板破断岩块运动、底板破坏滑移以及主要回采工序对支架或支护系统工作阻力和“R-S-F”(顶板-支架-底板)系统动态稳定性的影响;

    At the same time , the paper probes into the influence of roof fracture blocks moving , floor fracture blocks sliding and main procedures on the working resistance of supports or support system and dynamic stability of system " R-S-F " .

  12. 对综采放顶煤工作面回采率情况的调查

    Investigation of Recovery rates of Fully Mechanized Faces with Caving Method

  13. 盘区上向高分层连续回采充填采矿法试验研究

    Experimental study on panel upward high slice successive stoping and filling

  14. 深井回采巷道围岩变形机理及支护技术研究

    Study on Deformation Mechanism of Extraction Opening'surrounding Rocks and Support Technology

  15. 回采工作面空气质量评价模型及应用

    Evaluating model of air quality and its application in working faces

  16. 严重突出回采工作面瓦斯综合治理

    Comprehensive harness of gas in mining working face with serious outburst

  17. 大断面回采巷道交叉口锚索支护技术

    Study on Anchor Support of Crossings in Large Section Extraction Roadway

  18. 回采作业的连续化是矿山地下开采技术发展的重要趋势,连续采矿工艺和装备受到越来越多国家的重视。

    Continuous mining is an important trend in underground mining operation .

  19. 提高回采工作面瓦斯抽放率的途径

    Research on improving gas drainage under suction in mining working face

  20. 大直径深孔爆破技术在矿柱回采中的实践与应用

    Application and practice of large diameter deep-hole blasting technology in pillaring

  21. 回采工作面顶板事故的力学原理及防治

    Mechanics Principle and Precautionary Measures of Roof Accident of Stoping Workings

  22. 回采巷道外错布置的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Outward Staggered Entries Arranging in Stoping

  23. 在长壁式崩落法中用液压支柱护顶回采水平矿柱

    Mining horizontal pillars with hydraulic roof propping in longwall caving method

  24. 回采工作面开采三角煤最大化的确定

    The Definition of the Maximum Coal Reserves at Triangle Face Scope

  25. 基于MATLAB/VC的回采工作面顶板管理系统研究

    The Working-face Roof Management System Research Based on MATLAB / VC

  26. 急倾斜薄矿脉采用新回采工艺的设计实践

    Design and practice of new stoping technology for steep narrow veins

  27. 回采巷道锚杆支护顶板稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of the roof of extraction opening supported with bolts

  28. 矿石回采率大幅提高,由原来的65%提升到79%。

    The recovery was improved from 65 percent to 79 percent .

  29. 安庆铜矿高阶段矿柱回采的充填体稳定性研究

    Study on stability of backfill body during high level pillar recovering

  30. 长壁回采围岩破损规律的数值模拟研究

    Numeric study of damage for the surrounding bed in longwall mining