
huí niáng jia
  • visit the parental home;visit to her parents home
回娘家 [huí niáng jiā]
  • [visit to her parents home] 原指已婚女子回到自己父母的家,现也常用以比喻回到原来学习、工作过的单位

  • 何老指着这一件件珍宝,兴致勃勃地对记者说:我是回娘家献宝呵!把传家宝献给国家,让它们得到理想的归宿。

回娘家[huí niáng jia]
  1. 妈妈说她要回娘家几周,这绝对是前所未有的事。

    Mom announced that she was going to visit her family for a couple of weeks , which was absolutely unheard of .

  2. 还有一些年轻居民纷纷回娘家、婆家居住。

    Have some young residents have returned home , her living .

  3. 因为我妻子不得不回娘家看望父母了。

    My wife has been obliged to rejoin her parents .

  4. 我妻子回娘家已经两个星期了。

    My wife has been gone for two weeks visiting her mother .

  5. 已婚妇女会回娘家拜访。

    Married women visit their side of the family .

  6. 不要不痛快她回娘家。

    Don 't begrudge her visits to her parents .

  7. 这马要给了他,我怎么回娘家?

    How can I go to my mother 's if he takes the horse ?

  8. 他说自从《冰雪奇缘》事件后,他妻子就回娘家了,并拒绝与他说话。

    He said his wife has since moved in with her parents and refuses to speak to him .

  9. 然而,参与张导独特制作的同仁无不流露《图兰多》似乎是回娘家了。

    Nevertheless , everyone associated with zhang 's idiosyncratic production is acting as if Turandot is coming home .

  10. 这些回娘家的芭比最想学或应该学的就是中国文化里宝贝神奇的基因:「中文字」吧。

    As Barbie returns home , she probably would like to or should learn about the precious Chinese language .

  11. 凯特王妃生下第一个孩子后将会回娘家,与父母卡罗尔和迈克尔住在一起。

    The Duchess of Cambridge will live with her parents , Carole and Michael Middleton after giving birth to her first child .

  12. 今天是出嫁女儿回娘家的日子,因丈夫也要同行,所以也称“迎婿日”。

    Married daughters visit their parents with their husbands on this day , so this day is also called " welcome son-in-law day . "

  13. 故事还在里面我回娘家期间,我和母亲一起在起居室里交谈、读书、看电视。

    During a visit to my mother 's home , I joined her in the living room to talk , read and watch television .

  14. 幸而柔嘉不常回娘家,只三天两天到姑母家去顽。

    Fortunately , Jou-chia seldom went to her parents ' home , going only to her aunt 's house every second or third day .

  15. 《农村土地承包法》与已婚农村妇女土地承包权的保障&基于石家庄地区妇女回娘家索要承包地案例的实证分析

    " Contract Law of Farming Land " and Protection of Married Women 's Rights & A Case Study of Married Rural Women in Shijiazhuang City

  16. 这一天,回娘家的女儿、女婿要带上礼品和红包,分给娘家的孩子们。

    The couple must bring some gifts and red envelopes along with them , and give them to children from the wife 's side of the family .

  17. 18岁时,他娶了个媳妇。但只过了几个月,媳妇就变卖了他所有的财产逃回娘家。

    When he was eighteen , he married a girl , who , however , sold out all his properties and went back to her home several months after their marriage .

  18. 我要回娘家去,这是唯一的出路了。唯一的出路是要能下。

    " I 'm going home to Mother , that 's all there is to it !" The only way out is to have the cadres prepared to accept posts at levels lower than the ones they are holding .

  19. 二十年都没有回过娘家。

    I haven 't been back home in twenty years .

  20. 三个月后一天,男人跟他的妻子吵架了,于是妻子就回她娘家住了。

    Three months later the woman went back to her parents'home , having quarrelled with her husband .

  21. 倔强的苏西拉逃回了娘家,并以自杀相威胁拒绝回到夫家。

    When they refused , she returned to her village anyway and threatened to commit suicide if they forced her to go back to her husband 's home .