
sì chónɡ chànɡ
  • quartet
  1. 拜伦:那个四重唱节目也很不错。

    Byron : The quartet was not half bad , either .

  2. 他成立了一个叫“得州混合四重唱”的组合。

    He formed a group called the Texas Medley Quartet .

  3. 苏格兰有巫婆三重唱,巴黎却有老妈妈四重唱。

    Scotland has trios of witches , Paris has quartettes of old gossiping hags ;

  4. 她的一个朋友参加婚礼用的,米奇尔得摆脱“理发店四重唱”的造型。

    A friend of hers needs it for a wedding , and Mitchell needs to stop dressing like he 's in a barbershop quartet .