
  • 网络Ruthenium tetroxide;ruo4
  1. 结果表明四氧化钌固定法将为阐述某些鳞屑性皮肤病的结构标记和病理机制提供一些新的线索。

    The results indicate that the ruthenium tetroxide methodology should yield new information about structural markers and pathogenic mechanisms in a variety of other scaling dermatoses .

  2. 方法:裸鼠表皮分别用四氧化钌和锇酸固定后电镜下观察裸鼠表皮角质层脂质的超微结构。

    Methods : Ruthenium tetroxide and osmium tetroxide were compared as post fixative in the preparation of hairless epidermis for transmission electron microscopic examination .

  3. 本文系统地研究用四氧化钌(RuO4)作为各类饱和键高聚物材料的染色剂的染色条件和效果。

    In this paper , we describe the use of ruthenium tetraoxide ( RuO_4 ) as a staining agent for various saturated polymers for examination in the TEM .

  4. 高聚物材料电镜研究的四氧化钌染色技术

    Ruthenium Tetraoxide Staining Technique of Polymer Materials for TEM