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囊括四海。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》
SNL 's rankings include banks and thrifts operating in the U.S. with a deposits-to-assets ratio of at least 25 % .
The casualties , thus far , include the leaders of Italy and Greece ; Dexia , the French-Belgian bank , and most recently MF global , the American brokerage .
The Blue Jays have a chance to sweep the series .
Co-author Amy Zanne thinks that users probably range from climate-change researchers wanting to estimate how much carbon is stored in biomass , to foresters looking for information on different grades of timber .
You 've just stepped into one of the world 's greatest collections of art , covering centuries of human creativity from around the world .
African runners swept the medals in the distance events .
What sets this study apart is its scale – more than 60000 plant measurements all across northern latitudes8 .
The blockbuster swept the board with 10 nominations1 , making it the most talked-about film of the awards season .
The photographer has swept the board at a prestigious2 contest and will open her own gallery at the end of the year .
The Beckhams entered a futuristic world of lasers and mazes to celebrate their son Romeo 's eight birthday yesterday .
The F # libraries ( usual stuff , ranging from immutable lists to asynchronous computations library )
The estimates for clean-up costs are contained in the IEA 's closely watched World Energy Outlook , which this year includes a comprehensive analysis of the global nuclear industry .
The group of 20 leading nations comprises the most powerful people on the planet .
These frameworks provide a well-rounded API that covers most application requirements and are a solid foundation for PHP application development .
The Independent Critics aims to be a very international list and one that is inclusive of many cultures , lifestyles , professions and degrees of fame .
The system was designed by Visual Basic software according to method of OOP , which includes all data analyses work in the compilation and has functions of data analyses , figure drawing and information browser .
In the meanwhile , the total institution and the new institution function ( sphere f ) including the significance of the steadiness and development have been introduced .
The peripheral controller consists of frequency detector , data sample controller , FIFO , LCD driver and the interface circuit between DSP and FPGA .
The 1100-page budget pays for the operations of every Cabinet department except Defense , Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs .
E-commerce law under WTO framework is not the general sense of e-commerce law , which includes the legal issues of e-commerce limited in exceptional trade rules and in exceptional value system .
While this is a very small segment of users , were not implying that Chrome users are the most brilliant people on the planet .
This article puts together the basic pieces you 'll need to create most extensions with user-interface features & XUL , CSS , JavaScript , and DOM .
Names and email addresses containing " rape , " such as Draper , were included in the search results .
A massive language study , spanning Google Books , Twitter , popular songs lyrics and The New York Times , has found that English tends to look on the bright side of things .
The simulated reflectance imagine based on TM data has all seven bands information of TM data , and the imagine quality has been improved obviously because of full information .
First Facebook transforms from a simple web site to a web " platform " embracing thousands of other sites , then Google begins plotting a social " layer " over its core services .
During divorce everyone feels a little depressed . That 's why hearing a CD with the greatest divorce music may be a good option . It combines music from all genres and eras into one package .
One notable drawback , however , will be the absence of major channels such as HBO , CNN and AMC , home of the Walking Dead series .
The modern electrocardiograph covers ICU , prevention , diagnoses and other conventional fields , which are mainly divided into ECG bedside monitoring system and the Holter .
The software , which now includes a dashboard , RSS feeds , social networking widgets and a IT news sharing community , seems to almost be turning into a pseudo-social network itself .