
jiā yù guān
  • Jiayuguan;pass and city in Gansu, at the western terminus of the Great Wall, on the Silk Road
嘉峪关 [jiā yù guān]
  • [Jiayuguan] 中国明代万里长城西端终点,甘肃省地级市。位于河西走廊中段,人口8万。嘉峪关城楼宏伟,向称天下雄关

  1. 利用嘉峪关地磁垂直分量1993-1998年的资料,系统分析了嘉峪关地区地磁场Z分量的年变形态。

    We use the documents about the geomagnetic vertical component of Jiayuguan from 1993 to 1998 to comprehensively analyze the annually changed configuration of the geomagnetic Z component in this area .

  2. 这是因为嘉峪关有着特殊的地理经济条件,导致非农业人口比重很大,所以流动人口较大,使其城市化率变化不稳定,而人均GDP则由于经济的快速发展而持续升高。

    This is because the Jiayuguan has a special geo-economic conditions , resulting in non-agricultural population accounts for a large floating population so large , so that changes in urbanization rate instability , and per capita GDP due to the rapid economic development and continues to rise .

  3. Loken说:很多的国外游者和中国游者沿着明长城从嘉峪关到达终点,即河北省山海关现存明城墙遗址。他是第一个沿着明朝古地图路线-很多的城石都磨上几个世纪之久的痕迹-到达湖山。

    While about a dozen foreigners and even more Chinese have followed the Ming Wall from Jiayuguan to the end of the existing bulwark in Hebei province 's Shanhaiguan , Loken was the first to continue on to retrace the Ming-era maps ' original route - the stone of which centuries have mostly ground away - to Hushan .

  4. 嘉峪关地区1型糖尿病易感基因研究

    Study on HLA Gene of Type 1 Diabetes in Jiayuguan Area

  5. 嘉峪关气象塔日照温差作用有限元分析

    FEM analysis of sunshine temperature difference effect on Jiayuguan weather tower

  6. 嘉峪关市场地类别的划分

    Delimitation of the site types in Jiayuguan city , Gansu Province

  7. 嘉峪关电信综合业务支撑网络建设策略研究

    The Research of Jiayuguan Telecom Integrated Bussiness Support Network Construction Strategy

  8. 明朝也在甘肃建立了嘉峪关前哨。

    The Ming dynasty also built the Jiayuguan outpost in Gansu .

  9. 嘉峪关南5.4级地震的断层气体前兆研究

    On the fault-gas precursor of the South Jiayuguan m5.4 earthquake

  10. 嘉峪关市旅游生态足迹实证分析;

    A case study of Jiayuguan : Analysis on tourism ecologic footprint ;

  11. 嘉峪关市鸡新城疫血清流行病学调查

    A Survey of the Seroepidemiology of Chicken Newcastle Disease in Jiayuguan City

  12. 嘉峪关台地震方位异常的初步探讨

    Preliminarily analysis on the earthquake azimuth anomaly in Jiayuguan station

  13. 早期推定混凝土强度在嘉峪关地区的试验应用

    Test and application of early estimating strength of concrete in Jiayuguan area

  14. 嘉峪关本来是为了丝绸之路上的游人的地方。

    Jiayu Pass was intended to greet travelers along the Silk Road .

  15. 嘉峪关地磁台墩差测量与仪器比测

    Method of the pilar difference measurement and instrument comparison at Jiayuguan Seismostation

  16. 嘉峪关被视为中国文化的最后关哨。

    Jiayuguan Fortress was considered to be the last outpost of Chinese civilization .

  17. 矿业城市发展的数学模型&以嘉峪关市为例

    A mathematical model for mining city & taking Jiayuguan City as an example

  18. 嘉峪关气象塔海豚状钢结构网壳安装定位

    The installation location of Jiayuguan meteorological tower dolphin-shaped steel grid shell Great Wall-Jiayuguan

  19. 嘉峪关市最小是2.51%。

    Jiayuguan City was the smallest for 2.51 % .

  20. 从嘉峪关到山海关有多远?

    How far is it from Jiayuguan to Shanhaiguan ?

  21. 甘肃省嘉峪关市洋葱土壤线虫鉴定及种群变化规律的研究

    Studied on Nematodes of Onion Soil and It 's Population Changing in Jiayuguan Gansu

  22. 再会掠过中国东部的嘉峪关。

    then the Jiayuguan Pass in eastern China .

  23. 嘉峪关断层的性质和活动时期

    The Characteristics and Active Period of Jiayuguan Fault

  24. 山海关和嘉峪关市迄今保存相对完好的两个关口,它们坐落在长城的两端。

    The Shanhaiguan Pass and the Jiayuguarv Pass are two well-preserved passes at either end .

  25. 酒泉、嘉峪关地域城镇系统的空间规模结构研究

    The spatial scale structure of the city town system in the arid in Jiuquan Jiayuguan region

  26. 嘉峪关魏晋壁画墓五号墓的搬迁与半地下复原研究

    Removing and half underground of mural painting tomb No.5 of Wei and Jin dynasty at Jiayuguan pass

  27. 嘉峪关地磁低点位移异常与干扰因素的讨论

    Discussion on the abnormity displacement and disturbance factors of the low points of geomagnetic component in Jiayuguan

  28. 嘉峪关气象塔混凝土筒状塔楼外,环绕着装饰性海豚造型的钢结构网壳。

    The concrete tube-shape turret of the Jiayuguan meteorological tower is surrounded by the dolphin-shape steel structure net shell .

  29. 资源型城市转型期人口发展问题研究&以甘肃省嘉峪关市为例

    Studies on Population Development of Resource-based Cities in Transformation Period & Take Jiayuguan City in Gansu Province as a Case

  30. 坐落于甘肃省西北部,河西走廊中部的嘉峪关市是一座典型的资源型城市。

    The city of JiaYuGuan , locating in central Hexi corridor of northwestern Gansu province , is a typical resource-rich city .