
  • 网络Business leader
  1. 有迹象表明,白宫打算招募一位有经验的商业领袖进入内阁(最理想的是纽约市长迈克尔布隆伯格(michaelbloomberg))。

    There are signs that the White House would like to recruit an experienced business leader to the cabinet ( ideally Michael Bloomberg , mayor of New York City ) .

  2. 在他之前掌管这家工业企业集团的偶像式商业领袖杰克•韦尔奇(JackWelch),具有帝王型首席执行官的气派,在美国资本主义历史的大部分时间,都处于其领导地位。

    Jack Welch , the iconic business leader who preceded him at the helm of the industrial conglomerate , was cast in the mould of the imperial CEOs who have presided over American capitalism for much of its history .

  3. 2004年,哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)将古德奈特评为20世纪美国最伟大的商业领袖之一。

    In 2004 , Harvard Business School named Mr Goodnight one of the " great American business leaders of the 20th century " .

  4. “翻译一对一”耳机是澳大利亚公司LingmoInternational开发出来的。该公司表示这款耳机将结束政界人士和商业领袖出席国际会议时的尴尬。

    Lingmo International , the Australian firm behind the Translate One2One earpiece , said it would put an end to awkward international meetings between politicians and business leaders .

  5. 周二,希腊总理帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)向德国商业领袖发表讲话。

    Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou spoke to German business leaders on Tuesday .

  6. 包括比尔盖茨(billgates)在内,美国好几位商业领袖都对减少外国人工作签证的做法提出了批评。

    Several business leaders in the US , including Bill Gates , have been critical of the reduction in work visas given to foreigners .

  7. 类似的事件促使其他企业和商业领袖强调由不同的人分任CEO和董事长很重要。

    Similar failures have prompted other companies and business leaders to emphasise the importance of having a separate chief executive and chairman .

  8. 伦敦市政和商业领袖警告称,不要对伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)作为全球金融中心的成就感到自满。此前,一份已发表的报告强调,纽约正在丧失全球金融服务市场的份额。

    London 's civic and business leaders have cautioned against complacency about the City 's success as a global financial centre , following publication of a report highlighting New York 's loss of market share in international financial services .

  9. 我还想评估一下,RIM改变了产品设计,是否被迫牺牲了一些卓越功能&正是这些功能令其产品成为政界人士、商业领袖和社会名流的必备设备。

    I also wanted to assess whether RIM had been forced to sacrifice any of the features that have made its products the must-have device for politicians , business leaders and celebrities .

  10. 商业领袖们应该记住,从英国石油到承认为Facebook所做的事违反了公司政策的博雅,近来的诸多事件证明,对公司名誉最致命的打击往往源自于自身。

    Business leaders should remember that , from BP to Burson-Marsteller ( which admitted its campaign for Facebook was against our policies ), recent events prove that the worst injuries to company reputation are frequently self-inflicted .

  11. 我们需要的是一种新型的和平队(peacecorps)来自中美两国的大学教员、学生和商业领袖组成的“企业家队”(entrepreneurialcorps),与非洲创业者结成合作伙伴关系。

    What we need is a new type of Peace Corps , an " entrepreneurial corps " of faculty , students and business leaders from both China and the US in partnership with African entrepreneurs .

  12. 在这一点上,他和托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)很像。布莱尔是一位中左翼首相,他曾让许多英国商业领袖相信,他并不固守左翼思想,但他相信社会正义。

    In this , he bears a similarity to Tony Blair , a centre-left prime minister who convinced many British business leaders that he was not wedded to left-wing ideology , although he believed in social justice .

  13. 根据一份美国新闻关于全球五百强企业CEO的教育背景调查得出,常青藤名校产出了相当数量的商业领袖。(该杂志每年都会对于收入最高的美国商业公司进行排名。)

    Ivy League schools produce a disproportionate amount of corporate leaders , according to a U.S. News study of the educational backgrounds of 2010 's Fortune 500 CEOs ( the magazine 's annual ranking of American corporations based on gross revenue ) .

  14. 上周四在伦敦LancasterHouse举行的全球投资大会上,一些发言者公开表达了他们的担忧。会上,面对200名商业领袖和政策制定者,卡梅伦遭遇了有关机场扩建以及移民的尴尬问题。

    Some of the concerns surfaced publicly at last Thursday 's global investment conference at Lancaster House in London , where Mr Cameron faced awkward questions about airport expansion and immigration in front of 200 business leaders and policy makers .

  15. 雷迪管理学院院长罗伯特沙利文(robertsullivan)表示,美国商学院之所以吸引科学家,是因为所有课程的存在本身都是对西方文化中一个流行观点的反驳,即科学家缺乏成为商业领袖必备的素质。

    Robert Sullivan , Dean at Rady , says US business schools attract scientists because the programmes , by existing at all , counter an attitude prevalent in western culture that scientists lack what it takes to become business leaders .

  16. 印度总理曼莫汉辛格(manmohansingh)前所未有地猛烈抨击本土企业家,称印度商业领袖的“道德缺失”会削弱他们在全球扩张的能力。

    Indian business leaders have an " ethical deficit " that could impair their ability to expand globally , Manmohan Singh , the prime minister , said in an unprecedented broadside against local corporate chiefs .

  17. 预计欧盟内部市场委员查理迈克里维(charliemccreevy)今日将在布鲁塞尔向商业领袖表示,要解决日益兴起的盗版商品流入欧洲的浪潮,需要更多的行业合作。

    More industry co-operation is required to tackle the growing wave of pirated goods coming into Europe , Charlie McCreevy , the internal markets Commissioner , is expected to tell business leaders in Brussels today .

  18. 有消息称,卡梅伦首相安排了前往以色列和巴勒斯坦领土的两日行程,随行的有一队代表团,成员包括BBC前任新闻播音员娜塔莎·卡布林克斯,以及保守党的两大赞助者在内的英国商业领袖。

    It comes as the Prime Minister prepares for a two-day trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories , accompanied by a delegation including Natasha Kaplinksy , the former BBC newsreader , and British business leaders including two Conservative party donors .

  19. 美国投行摩根大通(JPMorganChase)CEO兼董事长兼总裁杰米.戴蒙(JamieDimon),就是支持身兼多职能够带来业绩这个论点的商业领袖的典范。

    Jamie Dimon , chief executive , chairman and president of JPMorgan Chase , the US investment bank , is a prime example of a business leader who gives weight to the argument that one person in the joint role can deliver results .

  20. 人们亲切地把他称作“拉蒂(Ratty)”,他是零售领域一位声望颇高的评论人士,深受投资者的信任和商业领袖的敬重,记者们几乎每天都会引用他的话。

    " Ratty ", as he was affectionately known , was a highly regarded commentator on the retail sector , trusted by investors , respected by business leaders and quoted almost daily by journalists .

  21. 然而,相比其他商业领袖,中国互联网领袖的大规模会议引发的轰动更大。主要原因在于,跟Facebook和谷歌一样,这些企业创造的产品被大众使用的频率太高了。

    Nonetheless a big meeting between Chinese Internet leaders causes an even bigger stir than might a meeting of other business leaders , mostly because as with Facebook FB - 0.04 % and Google GOOG - 0.12 % , the products these businesses have created are used so constantly by the general populace .

  22. 商业领袖们特别要求,在签署所谓的产业协议(sectorals)(该协议旨在向国际竞争开放制造业)时,要与包括印度和中国在内的大型新兴市场达成这一协议。

    In particular , business leaders have demanded that so-called sectorals , which will open up manufacturing sectors to international competition , be agreed with the big emerging markets including India and China .

  23. 我们一些最杰出的商业领袖同样弄不清楚。

    Some of our most distinguished business leaders are equally confused .

  24. 在国会山作证的商业领袖也要求进行移民改革。

    Business leaders ing on Capitol Hill also seek immigration reform .

  25. 很少有商业领袖每周都会接受首相问答那样的质询。

    Few business leaders find themselves facing a weekly inquisition like PMQs .

  26. 毫无疑问的是,几乎没有商业领袖愿意公开承认这一点。

    To be sure , few business leaders will openly admit this .

  27. 我要说的是他作为商业领袖的非凡勇气。

    I mean his extraordinary courage as a business leader .

  28. 福音派的企业家还创建了各种网站,像商业领袖网、圣灵网等等。

    Evangelical businessmen form networks such as the Business Leadership and Spirituality Network .

  29. 他发起了公开运动呼吁其它商业领袖追随他的步伐。

    He made public campaigns haranguing fellow business leaders to follow his lead .

  30. 今天许多商业领袖都会出席我们公司办的午餐宴。

    Today many business leaders will attend the luncheon arranged by our company .