
  • 网络Commercial Bank Accounting
  1. 近年来,我国在商业银行会计信息披露的制度建设方面取得了很大的进展,有一批相关的法律和法规相继出台,信息披露实务也逐步改善。

    In recent years , china has made great progress on the establishment of the commercial bank accounting information disclosure system .

  2. 结合对商业银行会计报表特点的分析,提出了一些商业银行会计报表审阅的方法和技巧。

    Unite the analysis , and propose means and technique that some commercial bank accounting statements were checked and approved to the commercial bank accounting statement distinguishing feature .

  3. 国有商业银行会计业务流程再造的现实思考

    Practical Thought on Accounting Business Process Reengineering of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  4. 入世后商业银行会计若干问题研究

    The Research on Accounting Problems in Commercial Banks after Entry WTO

  5. 我国商业银行会计改革刍议

    On Reform of Accounting Standards of Commercial Bank in China

  6. 改善商业银行会计工作防范和化解商业银行风险

    Improving Accountancy , Preventing and Removing Risks in Commercial Bank

  7. 商业银行会计与信息披露研究

    Study on Accounting and Information Disclosure of Commercial Banks

  8. 商业银行会计防范贷款风险的对策

    Methed of avoiding risk of loans in commercial bank

  9. 我国应重视商业银行会计管理和会计控制

    China Should Think Highly of Accounting Management and Accounting Control in Commercial Bank

  10. 商业银行会计内控与风险防范

    Internal Accounting Control and Risk Precaution in Commercial Banks

  11. 浅谈商业银行会计工作

    Discussion on the accounting work of commercial banks

  12. 浅谈商业银行会计风险的防范与化解

    The Prevention and Solution of the Account in g Risk of the Commercial Banks

  13. 商业银行会计信息失真原因分析及防治

    The Causes and Prevention of the Distortion of the Accounting Information in Commercial Banks

  14. 加强商业银行会计内部控制的对策研究

    Research on the countermeasures for strengthening the accounting internal control in the commercial bank

  15. 商业银行会计柜面操作风险产生的原因与对策

    Analysis on what Caused the Commercial Bank 's Accountant Counter Operation Risk and Countermeasures

  16. 商业银行会计业务处理模式变迁的操作风险及其防范

    Operational Risk in Commercial Bank 's Accounting Treatment Model Transition and the Precaution Measures

  17. 浅析金融工具准则对商业银行会计目标的影响

    Analysis On Accounting Standards of Financial Instruments ' Influences on Accounting Objectives of Commercial Banks

  18. 因此,商业银行会计信息披露问题亟待研究解决。

    So the problem of accounting information disclosure of commercial bank should be solved quickly .

  19. 首要问题是深化金融体制改革,为商业银行会计标准国际化构建良好的环境适应机制。

    The primary task is to strengthen economic reform , creating environment for the internationalization .

  20. 基于风险管理的国有商业银行会计内控机制创新

    On the Innovation of Internal Accounting Control Mechanism of State-owned Commercial Bank Based on Risk Management

  21. 上市商业银行会计信息披露制度是在一次次严重市场危机中建立和发展起来的。

    Accounting disclosure system of listed commercial bank has being launched in one and one severe market crisis .

  22. 作为经营货币信用的特殊企业,商业银行会计信息的真实性、客观性尤显重要。

    As a kind of special enterprise operating money , the trueness and impersonality of commercial banks accounting information is very important .

  23. 本文对我国商业银行会计风险的特点和商业银行传统的会计核算模式面临的挑战进行了阐述。

    This article illustrated the characteristics of our country 's accounting risks in commercial banks and the challenges of traditional accounting way .

  24. 在此基础上分析该类资产和负债对上市商业银行会计信息的影响。

    Then with the arguments above , the thesis analyzes the impact and inference of these assets or liabilities on the banks ' financial information .

  25. 本文通过分析商业银行会计风险类型、特点及产生风险的原因,提出防范会计风险必须做到:加强制度建设;

    Through analysis of commercial bank accounting risk type , characteristic and the cause of the risk , and puts forward prevention accounting risk must do : strengthening the system construction ;

  26. 分析了当前商业银行会计内部控制中存在的一些问题,指出了会计内控应抓好的重点环节,提出了完善会计内控的有效措施。

    The problems existing in internal accounting control of commercial banks are analyzed . The emphasis of internal accounting control system is pointed out and some measures to optimize the system are proposed .

  27. 本文分析了会计报表审计和会计报表审阅的区别,并介绍了商业银行会计报表项目及其特殊含义。

    The original was analysed the difference that accounting statement audit and the accounting statement was checked and approved , and introduce the commercial bank accounting statement item and reaches such particular implication .

  28. 简要论述了商业银行会计风险的相关理论基础。然后,总结关于目前商业银行会计风险控制中尚存在的问题,并分析其存在的原因。

    It briefly discusses the commercial bank accounting risk related theoretical basis . Then , it summarizes existing problems in controlling of commercial bank accounting risk at present and analyzes its existing reason .

  29. 商业银行会计业务贯穿在商业银行整个经营过程中,每年商业银行都会有经济案件发生,并造成了重大的损失和恶劣的影响。

    Accounting business is the main work throughout the whole course of business in commercial banks . Every year , many economic cases occurred to commercial banks , causing significant losses and bad influence .

  30. 这些趋势对我们提出了新的需要研究的商业银行会计问题,主要包括:如何进一步规范我国商业银行的会计管理工作;

    Under the environment , we have to make new research of accounting for commercial banks . What need us to study on accounting for commercial bank are how to regulate accounting management system ;