
  • 网络Public institution accounting;Accounting For Non-profit Organizations
  1. 对现行事业单位会计准则和制度的实践与思考

    Practice and thought on account rule and system in current institution

  2. 事业单位会计制度存在的问题及改革建议

    The Existing Problems and Reform Suggestions for Undertaking Unit Accounting System

  3. 现行事业单位会计准则存在的问题及改进措施

    The Questions Of Current Institutions Accounting Standards and the Improved Measures

  4. 企事业单位会计核算模式社会化之设想

    Thoughts on Social Model of Enterprise And Administrate Unit Accounting Treatment

  5. 对事业单位会计核算引入权责发生制问题的探讨

    A Probe into the Introduction of Accrual Basis into Institution Accounting

  6. 关于我国企业会计准则和事业单位会计准则合一问题的思考

    Thinking on the Combination of Accounting Principles for Enterprises and Non-profit Organization

  7. 关于行政事业单位会计运用权责发生制的思考

    Ponder on the Application of Accrual System in Administrative and Public Accounting

  8. 对事业单位会计核算制度改革的几点认识

    Views of Reforms of Accountant Reflecting System in Institutional Units

  9. 浅谈行政事业单位会计制度中的固定资产核算

    Fixed Assets Assess in the Accounting System of Administrative Organizations and Institutions

  10. 质疑企业与事业单位会计准则的差异

    Question the Differences between the Accounting Principles of the Enterprises and the Institutions

  11. 关于事业单位会计核算中现存问题与改进办法的探讨

    Discussion on the Problems in the Accounting of Public Institutions and the Improving Methods

  12. 论事业单位会计记帐基础的确定及应用

    Discussion on the Definition and Application of the Basis of Keeping Accounts in Institutions

  13. 河北省行政事业单位会计管理体制创新探索

    Accounting Management System Innovation in Hebei Administrative Institutions

  14. 改进行政事业单位会计集中核算问题探讨

    Improve accounting concentration problems of administrative institution

  15. 完善事业单位会计报告体系

    Perfecting Accounting Report System of the Institution

  16. 事业单位会计核算制度设计

    The System Design for Institutional Accounting

  17. 文章就公路养护事业单位会计核算中存在的一些问题提出了几点建议。

    This paper puts forward several suggestions on problems existing in accounting of road maintenance institutions .

  18. 用1998年事业单位会计制度变迁和2006年企业会计制度变迁可以验证该理论模型。

    The system vicissitude of1998 Institution accounting system vicissitude and2006 business accounting might confirm this theoretical model .

  19. 对行政事业单位会计委派制的思考西方非营利组织会计与我国事业单位会计之比较

    The Comparison between Accounting for the West Non - profit Making Organizations and Institutional Accounting of Our Country

  20. 财政部门预算改革对农业科研事业单位会计制度影响的思考

    Thinking on the influence of financial departments ' budget reform on the accounting system of agricultural research institutions

  21. 随着业务规模的扩大,事业单位会计核算的内容也日趋复杂。

    Along with service scale expansion , the accounting content of institution is also complex day by day .

  22. 进一步深化事业单位会计改革,稳步推进国库单一帐户制度;

    We need to push further the accounting reform so that treasury single account can move at a steady gait .

  23. 为提高地质事业单位会计信息质量,应从五个方面入手,即推进会计电算化工作,加强财会管理制度建设,改革会计人员管理体制,加强会计稽核工作,最大限度地抑制会计信息不对称。

    Reforming the management system for accountant ; enhancing accounting check work ; and maximally restraining dissymmetry of accounting information .

  24. 目前高职院校会计执行《事业单位会计准则(试行)》,会计基础为收付实现制。

    Vocational Accounting is currently the Executive , Public Accounting Standards ( draft ), recognized as a cash basis of accounting .

  25. 但随着新的预算会计制度将事业单位会计和行政单位会计相分离,对事业基金必须站在新的高度进行再认识。

    However this understanding is to be updated as the new budget system makes the difference between institutional and administrative units .

  26. 公款的范围包括:凡列在国家机关、企业及事业单位会计科目的任何款项;

    The public money shall encompass any money listed in the accounts of state organs , state-owned enterprises and public institutions ;

  27. 目前我国会计领域存在严重的会计信息失真现象。企事业单位会计信息失真主要表现在三方面。

    At the present in our country , there are some phenomena of false account information in the field of accountancy .

  28. 现行的事业单位会计制度在固定资产核算方面还存在着不足,客观上造成对外提供的会计信息不真实。

    The present public institutions accounting system is still lack in the public institutions'account , objectively caused the publish accounting information un-reliable .

  29. 文章对事业单位会计制度的改革作了简要论述,同时也提出了一些进一步思考的问题,以及相应的改进意见。

    The paper gives brief expounds on reform of account system in institution , and it points out some problems should be further thought .

  30. 本文的研究结果可为我国公路事业单位会计制度改革提供一定的实证支撑,提供若干有益的政策建议。

    This article finding may provide certain real diagnosis support for our country road Institution accounting system reform , and provides certain beneficial policy suggestion .