
  • 网络Commercial waste;commercial refuse
  1. 居民和商业垃圾分类处理,也是值得推广的低碳模式。

    Waste classification in residential areas and commercial areas are also worth promoting .

  2. 你会发现从这堆商业垃圾中跳出去,这个会很有用。

    We may find it useful to jump out of a commercial piece of shit such as this .

  3. 之前收集生活垃圾和商业垃圾的时间段是上午六点至八点和傍晚六点到八点。

    Collections of residential and commercial waste are then timed for between 6am and 8am , and 6pm and 8pm .

  4. 包括生活垃圾、商业垃圾、医疗垃圾、电子垃圾等几个组成部分。

    Including several components , such as domestic rubbish , commercial rubbish , medical rubbish , electronic rubbish and so on .

  5. 别这么居高临下,行不行?是啊,我喜欢那些商业“垃圾”多过艺术兮兮的、可以拿奖的电影,有啥了不起的。

    Don 't patroize me okay ! Yeah , I like commercial crap better than artsy award-winning type of films , Big deal .

  6. 然而这个地球上“最大的一件文物”正在遭受过度商业开发和垃圾的破坏。

    However , the world 's " largest single cultural relic " is now being damaged by illegal construction , tourism and rubbish .