
shānɡ yè huà
  • commercialization
  • commercialize
  1. Internet的商业化及中国市场前景分析

    Internet Commercialization and Chinese Market Prospect

  2. 随着Internet的日益商业化,对一个能为不同用户/应用提供不同服务质量的网络的需求显得越来越迫切。

    The commercialization of Internet makes the intense need for a QoS-aware network and providing different QoS for different users / applications .

  3. 他们的音乐近几年非常商业化了。

    Their music has become very commercialized in recent years .

  4. 他们最近的音乐过分商业化了。

    Their more recent music is far too commercial .

  5. 他的音乐走商业化路线,针对的是一般大众。

    His music is commercial . It is aimed at the masses

  6. 多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。

    Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds .

  7. 过去10年来,英国铁路确实变得更加商业化了。

    British Rail has indeed become more commercial over the past decade

  8. 这是医药界被逐渐商业化的一个的征兆。

    It 's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine

  9. 摇滚乐自从朋克乐以后就已经过于商业化而缺乏新意了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk .

  10. 有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。

    Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour

  11. 商业化已经让多项体育运动有了更高的公众关注度。

    Commercialisation has given many sports a higher profile .

  12. 圣诞季商业化的一面很容易招来讥讽。

    The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire .

  13. 我们的社会正变得越来越商业化,更好打探别人隐私。

    We as a society are growing more commercial and voyeuristic all the time .

  14. 很多人都觉得音乐变得过于商业化了。

    There 's a feeling among a lot of people that music has become too commercial .

  15. 各个联邦机构应该把研究商业化。

    Federal agencies should commercialize research .

  16. 一个著名的、令人尊敬的名字被人用得如此商业化,似乎太让人遗憾了。

    It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honored name should be commercialized in such a manner

  17. 研究人员说,键盘大部分是由便宜的塑料部件制成的,应该很容易商业化。

    The researchers say that the keyboard should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive , plastic-like parts .

  18. 对于一些举办完大型赛事后就关闭不用的体育场馆,应寻求更为功能化、商业化的管理模式,为它们注入新活力。

    More functions and business modes could be explored to rejuvenate1 some venues2 that have fallen into disuse after hosting just one major event .

  19. 这是IBM服务解决方案设计的商业化最佳实践内容。

    This is IBM 's commercially-available best practices content for service solution design .

  20. 随着这些应用程序走向商业化,无线通信业开始将目光投向3G业务,寻求增长。

    As these applications become commoditised , the industry is looking to 3G for growth .

  21. TiO2减反射膜应用于商业化单晶硅太阳电池生产

    TiO_2 ARE Apply in Commercial Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Production

  22. VoIP是随着20世纪90年代以来开始的Internet商业化革命和网络融合技术发展起来的一门新兴的通信技术。

    VoIP is a rising technology with Internet commercial revolution and Network crisis development since 90 ages of the twenty century .

  23. 随着Internet的普及,Web服务商业化的发展,Web服务参与者的隐私保护问题已经成为网络用户最关注的问题之一。

    With the popularity of Internet and the development of commercialization of web services , the privacy issue of actors for web service becomes one of the hottest topics .

  24. 基于SCADA系统的通用型商业化运营系统

    A SCADA Based General Commercial Electricity Operation System

  25. 已商业化的钉基催化剂是把Ru3(CO)(12)升华到含石墨的碳载体上,碱金属氧化物为促进剂。

    The catalyst prepared by subliming Ru_s ( CO ) _ ( 12 ) onto a graphite-containing carbon support .

  26. 迄今为止,MIMO技术中的发射和接收端的多天线技术已成为其商业化的最大瓶颈。

    To date , multi-antenna technology in MIMO transmitter and receiver has become the biggest bottleneck of the business .

  27. 自从上世纪九十年代末以来,p2p技术的发展和大规模商业化应用对版权保护带来了巨大的挑战。

    Since the last century since the late nineties , p2p technology development and large-scale commercial application of copyright protection has brought great challenges .

  28. 以实时荧光PCR技术鉴定商业化种植的转基因玉米T14/T25品系。

    To identify genetically modified ( GM ) maize T14 / T25 lines , a real-time fluorescent PCR ( RTF PCR ) assay was performed in this study .

  29. LD泵浦全固态绿光、蓝光、红光激光技术已经非常成熟,且激光器产品已经商业化。

    LD pumped all-solid-state laser of red , green and blue , have been relative mature in techniques , and have been commercialized .

  30. 给出了一个基于标准化、开放的商业化硬件实现较高性能价格比的FCSAN存储系统的实现方案和关键技术。

    The article gives the method of implement and the critical technologies of how to implement FC SAN storage system based on standard open hardwares .