
  • 网络Business Psychology
  1. 兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)的商业心理学教授卡里库珀(CaryCooper)表示,一名优秀的主持人还应善于化解冲突。

    Cary Cooper , professor of business psychology at Lancaster University School of management , says a good chair will also be adept at conflict resolution .

  2. 人才管理软件提供商HeadLight的商业心理学主管黛比•汉斯(DebbieHance)表示,企业已经从下级那里得到全方位的反馈,从而可以精确确定管理者需要改善的地方。

    Debbie Hance , head of business psychology at Head Light , a talent management software provider , observes that companies already gather 360-degree feedback from subordinates to pinpoint areas where managers need to improve .

  3. 30%俱乐部与咨询公司毕马威(KPMG)和商业心理学公司YSC合作,共调查了全球100多家公司的数据,评估了近10000人给出的反馈,同时还和大约100名来自组织层面的女性(及数名男性高管)进行了面谈。

    The 30 % Club partnered with advisory firm KPMG and business psychology company YSC to survey data from more than 100 global companies , evaluate feedback on nearly 10000 individuals , and interview roughly 100 women ( plus several senior men ) from all organizational level .

  4. 在商业心理学中,高度的自信是事业成功的关键,这是老生常谈的问题了。

    There is no bigger cliche in business psychology than the idea that high self-confidence is key to career success .

  5. 他是司法心理学、工商业心理学和美学心理学的开创者,同时他的研究还涉及哲学、心理治疗、实验心理学和教育心理学。

    A pioneer in the areas of forensic psychology , business and industrial psychology , and film criticism , he also wrote extensively on philosophy , psychotherapy , experimental and educational psychology , and current affairs .

  6. 这项研究发表在《商业和心理学》杂志上。

    That 's according to a study in the Journal of Business and Psychology .

  7. 经济学、管理学、精神病学、商业、心理学一直是我国社会科学领域的研究热点且比较稳定。

    Subjects on economics , management , psychopathology , commerce psychology has become hot focus of our social science field become more stable .

  8. 他们在一起研究商业和心理学包含积极心理学-相信这本务实的著作会让你在工作中的幸福感与众不同进而让整个生活发生质的变化。

    Bringing together research from business and psychology – including positive psychology – this practical book will make a big difference to your happiness at work – and therefore to your whole life .

  9. 她说自己很愿意涉足模特界(名模阿格妮丝迪恩曾经也在一家油炸食品店工作过),但她目前正在学习商业、地理和心理学,并且想要在大学里学习企业管理。

    She says she would love to have a career in modelling ( model Agyness Deyn once worked in a chip shop too ) but is currently studying business , geography and psychology and intends to do business management at university .