
  • 网络commercial labor
  1. 商业劳动价值的地位研究&我国商业改革的认识

    The Research on the Position of Commercial Labor Value & Reflection on Chinese commercial reform

  2. 论商业劳动的生产性性质

    On the productive quality of commercial labour

  3. 马克思关于商业劳动是生产性劳动的观点有一定局限。本文认为,不论是运输、保管、包装亦或售卖,商业劳动都是生产性劳动。

    There exit some limitations is Karl Marx 's outlook that commercial labour is partly productive labour .

  4. 全球化在商业机构与劳动造成的破坏性结果巨大异常。

    Globalization 's destructive effects on business establishments and labor is staggering .

  5. 而现代工商业部门的劳动生产率和职工工资收入大大高于传统农业部门,将传统农业部门的剩余劳动力转移到现代工业部门,一方面会提高这部分转移劳动者的收入水平和生活水平;

    In the latter , the labors ' productivity and income are much higher than that in agricultural section .

  6. 商业法和劳动法应用于银行时就需要协调统一,这是银行业联盟的支柱。如果银行业联盟完全将银行带出国家司法管辖范围之外,那就更好了。

    The banking union needs to be backed by a harmonisation of commercial and labour laws as they apply to banks – or better still , it should take the banks completely out of national jurisdiction .

  7. 民事法规范基本的人与社会的关系,涉及财产的归属,土地的归属,加强合同的效力,组织商业企业,劳动的雇佣,买卖商品,结婚离婚,继承财产等等。

    Civil law regulates basic human-social relations involving ownership of property , titles to land , making and enforcement of contracts , organization of business enterprises , employment of labor , buying and selling goods , marriage and divorce , inheritance of estates , etc.

  8. 接包方可以通过和职工签订保密协议和竞业禁止协议将商业秘密保护融入劳动管理之中。

    The outsourcing contractors may integrate the protection of business secrets with the labor management , in virtue of making secret information agreement and non-competition agreement .

  9. 商业以及靠奴隶劳动日益大规模发展起来的手工业和精巧手工艺,都成了流行的职业。

    Commerce and handicrafts , including artistic handicrafts , which were being increasingly developed on a large scale by the use of slave labor , became the main occupations .

  10. 其结果,就是极端的通货膨胀,空前的物价高涨,民族工商业日益破产,劳动群众和公教人员的生活日益恶化。

    The results are unbridled inflation , unparalleled soaring prices , ever-spreading bankruptcy of the industry and Commerce of the national bourgeoisie and daily deterioration in the livelihood of the working masses , government employees and teachers .

  11. 我国商业巨构起源及成因的初步探讨全球化在商业机构与劳动造成的破坏性结果巨大异常。

    On the Origin and Cause of Commercial Mage-form in China ; Globalization 's destructive effects on business establishments and labor is staggering .