
  • 网络commercial profit;business profit
  1. 高效率生产是以一种有形的方式创造商业利润的。

    Producing in high effectivity creates commercial profit by visible way .

  2. 这说明,中国用户进口这批设备的目的,纯粹是为了商业利润。

    This shows that Chinese users imported this batch of equipment purely for commercial profit .

  3. 企业信息系统基于WebServices进行开发,能够优化企业的资源使用、节省企业在电子信息化过程中的很多费用,也能给企业带来更多的商业利润。

    Enterprise information system based on Web Services will optimize the usage of enterprise resource , and economize expenses of enterprise informatization , and bring enterprise more commerce profit .

  4. BAMAATHREYA:“我认为大家非常不情愿执行,因为这是受生产可可的廉价的童工产生的巨额商业利润驱使的。这是最大的挑战。”

    BAMA ATHREYA : " There 's been a real unwillingness to act that I think is driven by the business proposition of getting cheap child labor to produce the cocoa for quite some time . And that is a major challenge . "

  5. 一些人是出于简单的商业利润动机。

    Some people are motivated simply by financial gain .

  6. 这种提法也是医药企业追逐商业利润的产物。

    The proposal is also the result of medicine enterprises seeking for commercial profits .

  7. 由于受到财政方面的驱使,一些商店庆祝西方节日来获取商业利润。

    Some shops celebrate western festivals because of financial drive to grab commercial profits .

  8. 相关利益方倾向于只支持那些可以带来最大商业利润的特性。

    Stakeholders tend to approve only those features that will deliver the highest business benefit .

  9. 由于再保业务状况和水平直接关系到财险公司的商业利润。

    Due to the reinsurance business status and level directly related to company business profits .

  10. 徽商的商业利润输回徽州,却加固着徽州宗族社会的旧秩序。

    But the commercial profits feedback to Huizhou inversely strengthened the old order of Huizhou lineage society .

  11. 数以百万计的体育运动迷对于运动的着迷带来巨大的商业利润。

    The addiction of millions of fans to sports results in a tremendous amount of business profits .

  12. 实话告诉你:我们进入这个领域是因为其商业利润空间的增长。

    I 'll be honest with you : we 're into it because of business growth opportunities .

  13. 从总体上看,这种以追求商业利润为目的的审美文化大致呈现为两种运作方式。

    Generally speaking , the aesthetic culture pursuing commercial profits has two operating ways : standardized operation and enquiring .

  14. 从人类自身的生理因素和心理因素,商业利润驱使等方面具体阐述图像立体化传播原因。

    This paper also analysis reasons for the popularity of 3d-image transmission from human physiological and psychological factors and commercial interests .

  15. 它是亚齐发展程度最高的工厂之一,显示了捕捞业如何创造真正的商业利润。

    The factory was one of the most sophisticated examples in Aceh of how fishing can turn a real commercial profit .

  16. 明清时盐商销售淮盐的商业利润率为10%或更高。故徽州盐商仅获取应由他们获取的利润。

    The profit rate of trade of salt merchants was10 per cent or more for selling Huai salt in the Ming-Qing period .

  17. 但并不是每一次盖茨的梦幻预测都能转换成商业利润,就比如他的触控平板电脑设想,就没有获得成功。

    But his visionary predictions have not always led to commercial success , as in the case of the touch-screen tablet computer .

  18. 因为在一个健康消费将近占总消费18%的国家,这笔商业利润足够支撑一些高薪职业了。

    In a country where spending on health is nearly 18 % of the economy , that could finish some amply remunerated careers .

  19. 那些需求一直得以持续不仅仅是因为潜在的商业利润,对于很多人来说,更是因为关于耐药性的说法缺乏根据。

    And that demand is not only fuelled by the desire for financial gain : for many , worries about resistance are unfounded .

  20. 尽管大数据已被奉为能提高商业利润、能造福全人类的神器,但它也是个很让人头痛的东西。

    Big data , for all its hype about its ability to lift business profits and help humanity , is a big headache .

  21. 与此同时,这些成果将为医药行业带来的商业利润也备受人们关注。

    At the same time , people caught sight of that the achievements in scientific research would bring great commercial profit to medical industry .

  22. 从本质上说,徽州海商依然是以追求自由贸易,追逐商业利润为特征的具有资本主义萌芽性质的海商。

    In essence , Huizhou marine merchants were merchants with the thoughts of capitalism germination and the appearance of pursuing free trades and seeking commercial profits .

  23. 如果正确使用谐音,不仅会提高企业的知名度,而且还带来了资金大量商业利润。

    If the homophonic properly used , it will not only enhance the visibility of businesses , but also bring a lot of money for business profits .

  24. 当代体育文化与古代的竞技比赛相比被赋予了更多的意义,如大众偶像、价值观载体、商业利润等等。

    In the present age , sports are attached to some other significance , such as public idols , a carrier of cultural values and commercial profits .

  25. 采用这些方法,他们能够使比较缺乏的IT资金最优化,并且能够集中精力开发出能够提供最大商业利润的软件特性。

    By doing so , they can optimize the value of scarce IT dollars and concentrate efforts on developing software features that provide the greatest business benefit .

  26. 文化生产者在商业利润的驱使下,一味迎合受众消费欲望进行经典戏仿,极易导致戏仿文本沦为只具有感官刺激与商业气息的空洞能指,文化虚无主义也将随之产生。

    Over-driven by commercial benefits and the consumers ' sensation desires , it will be easily reduced to a nonsense signifier and a by-product of cultural nihilism .

  27. 市场经济环境下的企业经营模式决定了改制后的文化企业将以商业利润作为最重要的利益诉求。

    The business model under the market economic environment determines that the reform of cultural enterprises will regard the business profits as the most important interest demands .

  28. 当知识而非完全商业利润参与导航经济活动时,这个社会就容易出现“有灵魂的”知识经济。

    When knowledge-not business profits exclusively-becomes the leading force of economic activities , society is likely to see the coming of knowledge economy " with a soul " .

  29. 电信领域计费系统是电信运营商获取商业利润时的收费依据,计费系统数据属于商业数据,要求非常高的可靠性。

    When gaining business profit , tele-company charges according to the accounting system of telecom field . Accounting-system-data belongs to business data , which needs very high dependability .

  30. 体育比赛的主办方为了充分发掘广告带来的商业利润,总是希望尽可能地在比赛场地周围放置更多的广告牌。

    In order to excavate the commercial ads profits fully , sports competitions organizers always hope that lays aside more billboards as far as possible around the competition range .