
shòu huò tínɡ
  • kiosk;booth;stand
  1. 我正在售货亭买烟。

    I was getting cigarettes at the kiosk .

  2. 附近一定有一间卖电话卡的售货亭。

    There must be a kiosk selling phone cards around here somewhere .

  3. 通过售货亭回购旧手机的EcoATM表示,自苹果公司从周五开始出售新版iPhone以来,该公司在美国的1100个售货亭的交易量上涨了80%。

    EcoATM , a company that buys used cellphones through a network of kiosks , said that since the release of the iPhone on Friday , it had seen an 80 percent increase in iPhone trade-ins at its 1100 kiosks in the United States .

  4. 苏茜:我要去售货亭买点饮料。

    Susie : I am going to the kiosk for a beverage .

  5. 鲍伯:售货亭是不是就是电影院里的小卖部呀?

    Bob : Is a kiosk the same thing as a concession stand ?

  6. 我要去售货亭,要不要我给你带点饮料?

    I am heading to the kiosk , can I get you beverage ?

  7. 在所有车站里都有食品售货亭。

    At all stations there are refreshment kiosks .

  8. 我在火车站月台的售货亭里买了一份杂志和一些香烟。

    I got a magazine and some cigarettes from a kiosk on the station platform .

  9. 但当她于60年代初回到家乡,小售货亭再也不见了。

    But when she returned to her hometown in early1960s , the kiosk was no more .

  10. 他们不像传统的食品售货亭,而是能做出精美食品,销售给有眼光的食客。

    They are not the traditional food kiosks rather they are gourmet offerings , selling to discerning customers .

  11. 顾客能够在售货亭的触摸屏订制点单,并享受餐桌服务。

    McDonald 's guests will be able to customize their order at an automated touch screen kiosk and receive table service .

  12. 售货亭为在巴黎的日本人出售所有的必需品&日本报纸、外卖的寿司、绿茶等物。

    The kiosks sell all the requisties for a Japanese in paris & japanese newspapers , take-away sushi , green tea and much more .

  13. 鲍伯:售货亭是不是就是电影院里的小卖部呀?请往里走,售票员喊道。

    Bob : Is a kiosk the same thing as a concession stand ? " Pass right along inside , please . " shouted the but conductor .

  14. 街头拐角的售货亭是最受埃及人欢迎的购买卷烟地方,这些售货亭的销售没有受到新烟草法的影响。

    Kiosks on street corners are the most popular places for Egyptians to buy cigarettes and their sales haven 't been affected by the new tobacco law .

  15. 他坐在韦尔奈的售货亭里,看见堤岸上有一个年轻的金发女人在走动,她身材不高,戴一顶圆形软帽;

    Sitting in Verney 's pavilion , he saw , walking on the sea-front , a fair-haired young lady of medium height , wearing a b é ret ;

  16. 售货亭将继续为球迷们供应食品,饮料,茶和咖啡;但是只要比赛一开始就不再出售任何酒精饮料。

    The kiosk will remain open for the sale of food , soft drinks , tea and coffee , but no alcohol will be sold once the match has started .

  17. 俄罗斯政府一直在推动取消售货亭和街边小贩的烟草销售,以此作为限制向未成年人出售烟草和烟草产品的一个手段。

    The Russian government has been pushing to remove tobacco sales from kiosks and street vendors as a means of restricting the sale of tobacco and tobacco products to minors .

  18. (三)出租人擅自变更承租人已选定的供货人或租赁物的。一连串提供饮料的一人售货亭

    The leasor , not subject to the approval of the lessee , has changed the supplier or leased property chosen by the lessee . a succession of one-man stalls offered soft drinks

  19. 但是我们的调查表明,目前非洲国家只有不到一半的药店和售货亭具备口服补液盐,而锌片在许多地方根本无法获得。

    But our surveys show that , at present , ORS is available in less than half of pharmacies and kiosks in African countries and zinc is not available at all in many places .

  20. 同样的入口(下图),重新设计得更吸引人进入和更开放,有出售咖啡和三明治的售货亭,而且从街上也能看到公园内部。

    The same entrance ( near top ), redesigned to be more inviting and open , has kiosks that sell coffee and sandwiches , and the interior of the park is visible from the street .

  21. 售货亭&用作网络售货亭或信息台,适合所有业务,银行,酒店,机场,信息,游戏。

    Virtual kiosk ? used as an internet kiosk or as an information kiosk and fits all types of industries from banking , through hotels , airports , and information , and up to gaming .

  22. 埃斯塔克大街上的售货亭供应各种本地特产:香酥炸糕,即炸面团里加少许压碎的黑椒粉,表面裹上粗糙的糖粒,还有鹰嘴豆馅的炸糕。

    Kiosks on L'Estaque 's main street sell local specialties : chichi fr é gi , fried dough with a hint of crushed black pepper inside and coated in coarse sugar , and panisses , chickpea flour fritters .

  23. 四周是一片红雨伞的海洋,遮盖着纪念品售货亭和快餐小吃摊。奶酪、肉食、鱼类、坚果、食油和蔬菜摆满了桌子,所以本地人把这里叫做“萨格勒布的肚子”。百忙中来这里享受一顿早餐吧。

    Surrounded by souvenir kiosks and quick-bite joints , a sea of red umbrellas shelters cheeses , meats , fish , nuts , oils and vegetables spill over tables in the place locals call " the belly of Zagreb . " Have your breakfast here on the fly .