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  • Array
  • 文言语气助词(a.表疑问或反诘,相当于“吗”,“呢”,如“何~?”“有何难~?”b.表感叹,相当于“啊”,如“快~!”)。

  • 古同“才”,开始。

  1. 我们悠悠哉哉地溜达一会儿,好不好?

    Let 's have a nice little stroll , shall we ?

  2. 乌足道哉?

    What 's there worth mentioning about it ?

  3. 如此而已,岂有他哉!

    That 's all there is to it !

  4. 眇乎小哉!

    How small it is !

  5. 尚慎旃哉!

    Be careful !

  6. 胡为乎来哉?

    Why has this occurred ?

  7. 呜呼!盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉?(欧阳修《新五代史》)

    Alas for the law of prosperity and decline ! although regarded as heaven 's decree , is it not truly the handiwork of men ?

  8. 群居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉。(《论语》)

    To be together all day long and never talk about fundamentals but take pleasure only in showing one 's cleverness & indeed it 's a hopeless case !

  9. 本文首先得出哉F上有单位元无零因子交换完全幂等代数A是F的扩域的结论,给出域F上二维完全幂等代数的结构;

    It is obtained that the commutative completely idempotent algebra which has unit element and no zero factor is a extension field on F. The structure of two dimension completely idempotent algebra is given out .

  10. 在层与层之间,没有了必需的手动JNDI查找,没有了冗长的JSF支持bean的声明,没有了过多facade方法,没有了艰辛的对象传递,快哉!

    There is no more artificially required JNDI lookup , verbose JSF backing bean declaration , excessive facade business methods , and painstakingly passing objects between tiers etc.

  11. 那就是为什么真利江回到哉体内,对吧?

    That 's why she came back inside yuya , right ?

  12. 大哉问,我希望我有时间可以加以回答。

    Big question . I hope I have time to answer it .

  13. 大哉圣人之道!

    How great is the path proper to the sage !

  14. 教老狗耍把戏,难哉(人老则守旧)。

    It is hard to teach an old dog tricks .

  15. 我行我素,岂管他哉。

    The dogs bark , but the caravan goes on .

  16. 正如以往,最后的不代表眇乎小哉的。

    And as usual , last doesn 't equal least .

  17. 噫吁戏,危乎高哉!

    Oh , but it is high and very dangerous !

  18. 真是大哉问,这也是我们该思考的重要问题。

    Quite big and important questions to think about .

  19. 祸哉,那与造他的主争论的!

    Woe unto him that striveth with his maker !

  20. 接著他说:「祸哉,我灭亡了。

    Then said I : 'Woe is me , for I am undone ;

  21. 深哉,深哉,耶稣的爱。

    O the deep , deep love of Jesus !

  22. 祸哉,那些在床上图谋罪孽,造作奸恶的。

    Woe to them that devise iniquity , and work evil upon their beds !

  23. 马没有人驾驭,自己悠悠哉哉地往前走着。

    The horse paced leisurely on , unguided .

  24. 悯哉逸在急诊室。

    Mln Jae-il is in the emergency room .

  25. 民说,祸哉。我受损伤。

    Woe is me for my hurt !

  26. 我想他和哉逸在一起。

    I think he 's with jae-ii .

  27. 哉一直叫真利江的名字?

    Yuya kept screaming marie 's name ?

  28. 男人说:“今天再掷两把,明天勿去哉。”

    A man said : " Today again throwing two tomorrow Do not go to Masaya . "

  29. 然后有一段插曲,一只鹰飞来,向所有人高喊,祸哉。

    And then you have an interlude where this eagle comes through and announces woes on everybody .

  30. 现在超级大国不能像过去那样随心所欲地对别国发动哉争。

    Now the superpowers can 't wage war against other countries as they pleased in the past .
