
  • 网络Hawara;Solomon Hawala;Haavara
  1. 阿特哈瓦拉是派到孟买中部的JJ医院一位警方指挥官。这所医院接收了许多伤员。

    V.N. Athawalla is a police commander posted at the J.J. Hospital in central Mumbai , where many of the injured were taken .

  2. 他们利用那些使用哈瓦拉(hawala)这一传统资金转移系统的货币兑换商,即使这样的交易成本很高。

    They use trusted money changers using an old financial transfer system known as hawala , even though the deals are costly .

  3. 此外,那些参与哈瓦拉(hawala)等地下金融体系的交易者,用“以交易为基础的价值转移”(资金并没有流动)进行账户结算。

    Moreover , " trade-based value transfer " , where money is not physically moved , is used in the settling of accounts between those involved in underground financial systems such as hawala .

  4. 哈瓦拉系统存在于传统银行渠道之外,通过由非正式交易商(称为hawaladar)组成的网络进行转账。

    The hawala system exists outside traditional banking channels , with the transfer of money based on a network of informal dealers known as hawaladars .

  5. 一位顶级私人银行家把内地到香港的资金转移现象,比作迪拜的哈瓦拉地下交易体系。在这一体系中,资金绕开常规的银行业体系,通过可信赖的中介进行流通。

    A top private banker likens the transferring of money from the mainland to Hong Kong to the hawala trade in Dubai , whereby money bypasses the conventional banking system using trusted intermediaries .