
  • 网络harriman;Brown Brothers Harriman;W. Averell Harriman;BBH
  1. 因此,我把哈里曼的意见告诉了总统。

    Accordingly I sent Harriman 's views along to the President .

  2. 哈里曼是唯一的美国选手,使其向准决赛。

    Harriman was the only USA player to make it to the semi-finals .

  3. 他昨晚出现在哈里曼公园。

    He was up in Harriman park last night .

  4. 哈里曼最大的心愿就是希望他的儿子能成名成家。

    To be something and somebody was Harriman 's fondest wish for his son .

  5. 哈里曼以自己特有的风格开始工作。

    Harriman set to work in characteristic style .

  6. 哈里曼公式之新证明

    A new proof of carleman 's formula

  7. 哈里曼那天的情绪极高,高谈阔论,把所有的客人,特别是席上的主宾都压倒了。

    Harriman , in the highest of spirits , talked everyone down , especially the guest of honor .

  8. 罗斯福的右边是哈里曼,左边是我,我旁边是霍普金斯。

    Harriman sat at Roosevelt 's right , I at Roosevelt 's left , and Hopkins next to me .

  9. 他的传记作者莫瑞•克莱恩指出,哈里曼的这种大批量低费率的风险运输战略吓坏了其它的管理者。

    His biographer , Maury Klein , notes that Harriman 's risky strategy of shipping high volume at low rates scared other managers .

  10. 这个矛盾好象一堵密不透风的高墙,不禁使维克多亨利清楚地回忆起上次随哈里曼使团到苏联去的情景。

    This blank wall of contradiction brought back vividly to Victor Henry his last trip to the Soviet Union with the Harriman mission .

  11. 以前,像古尔德和哈里曼这们的家喻户晓的人物很可能穿过人群而不会被认出来。

    Previously , men like Gould and Harriman , whose names everyone knew , could easily have passed through a crowd without being recognized .

  12. 不论怎么说,这位研究员对詹姆士教授的好意与果敢的决断极尽溢美之词,因为,当这个发现的重要性开始显现起来以后,他就立刻派人去请哈里曼过来了。

    In any case , the curate was most effusive in praise of the kindness and good judgement of Professor James , who immediately sent for him when the nature of his discovery became clear .