
wā wā
  • cry
  • wawa(sound of crying);sweet words
哇哇 [wā wā]
  • (1) [wawa(sound of crying)]∶如老鸦叫声、小孩儿哭声、叫喊声等

  • (2) [sweet words]∶形容花言巧语

  • 利舌哇哇

哇哇[wā wā]


  • 哇哇大哭

    cry very loudly

  1. 他弹了一会儿哇哇吉他。

    He played some wah-wah guitar .

  2. 饭后,邻居听说吃的并不是狗肉而是猴肉,便觉得恶心难受,蹲在地下哇哇直吐,直到把吃进去的东西全部吐出来为止。

    After the meal , when the neighbour heard that what he had eaten was monkey meat instead of dog meat , he felt nauseated1 . He squatted2 on his heels and burst out vomitting till he threw up everything he had eaten .

  3. 别荡太高了,免得你会哇哇大哭。

    Don 't go too high , you 'll start crying .

  4. 我想车是导致乌鸦哇哇的原因。

    I think the cars were the cause of the crows'cawing .

  5. 哇,哇哇我得说

    Wow , wow , wow . I have to say ...

  6. 他抬起双手,发出哀求的哇哇声;

    He lifted up his hands and uttered a supplicatory croak ;

  7. 他踢了其中一个顽皮的男孩,那个男孩痛得哇哇大叫。

    He kicked one naughty boy . The boy shouted in pain .

  8. 哇哇哇!你要走了?

    Whoa , whoa , whoa ! You 're ieaving ?

  9. 婴儿刚从母体诞生时,谁也无法阻止他们的哇哇啼哭。

    No one can stop newly born babies from crying .

  10. 乔的自行车被偷他气得哇哇大叫。

    Joe shouted for anger when his bike was stolen .

  11. 一些吉他手往往会滥用哇哇踏板。

    Some guitar players tend to overuse the wah-wah pedal .

  12. 那哭哇哇的小孩子真令我心烦。

    That crying baby is really getting in my hair .

  13. 老天这个小镇的人就会哇哇乱叫

    Man , people have been croaking in this town a long time .

  14. 什么能使乌鸦啼叫出哇哇声?

    What could have caused the crows to caw ?

  15. 嘿啦嗤哇哇的参展作品将包括反视觉的柜子和会呼吸的雕塑。

    Planned works for Hella Chihuahuas include-visual depravation tanks and sculptures that breathe .

  16. 哇哇啼哭的婴儿也无法唤醒他的良知。

    The crying baby then could by no means call up his conscience .

  17. “可怜的董贝!哎呀!董贝小姐!”图茨先生哇哇地哭了起来。

    Poor Dombey ! I say ! Miss Dombey ! ' blubbered Toots .

  18. 那头猪哇哇地叫着,缩紧它的尾巴逃走了。

    The pig squealed , curled up its tail tightly and ran off .

  19. 我们一起把这些家伙打得哇哇乱叫吧

    Together we 're gonna punch these guys so hard

  20. 我姐姐斩钉截铁地说:他生下来就是哇哇乱叫的小崽子。

    " He was born a Squeaker !" said my sister , more emphatically .

  21. 蛙随着雨落开始哇哇叫。

    Frogs began to croak with the rainfall .

  22. 哇哇,这么说,你们是朋友?

    Whoa , you mean you were friends ?

  23. 哇哇哇哇哇哇嘘嘘

    Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Shh , shh .

  24. 哇哇哇…后面还好吧?

    Whoa ... Is everything okay back there ?

  25. 婴儿哇哇地啼哭了。

    The baby emitted forth a cry .

  26. 哇哇等等不等等马上等一下

    Whoa , whoa , wait . No , wait , now , hold up .

  27. 但使他惊讶的是,这个司机吓得哇哇乱叫。

    But to his surprise , the driver got so frightened that he cried out .

  28. 你上搜狐网上,你看看新闻,点击率老高了,哇哇的,就(是)那个丫蛋。

    You can surf the Sohu for news abut her-the click rate is just fuckin'high .

  29. 孩子们在哇哇大哭。

    The kids are crying loudly .

  30. 这时候,小孩害怕了,吓得“哇哇”地乱哭乱叫。

    At this moment , the child was frightened , crying loudly and shouting in confusion .
