
zhàn huò
  • disaster of war
战祸 [zhàn huò]
  • [disaster of war] 战争造成的灾祸

  • 连年战祸

战祸[zhàn huò]
  1. 战争可能要拖延下去。假如因为你们这一反对,使得战争还要打下去,岂非拖延时间,延长战祸?

    If the war continues because of this opposition of yours , won 't that be stalling for time and prolonging the disaster of war ?

  2. 显然是不紧张,不热烈,不殷勤,不迫切,拖延时间,延长战祸。

    We , obviously , are not tense , not eager , not solicitous nor anxious and we are " stalling for time and prolonging the disaster of war " .

  3. 战祸复发,生灵涂炭。

    War broke out again , plunging the people into misery and suffering .

  4. 战祸之后,生活艰苦多了。

    Life was much harder in the aftermath of the war .

  5. 这是一座因战祸而满目疮痍的城市。

    It was a city visibly scarred by war .

  6. 它的惟一目的是使我们的国家和人民免于战祸

    Its sole purpose is to keep war away from our country and our people

  7. 但却改变不了是你丈夫,为我们带来战祸的事实

    But it doesn 't change the fact that your husband has brought war upon us .

  8. 北洋军阀统治时期,战祸不断,殃及教育。

    In the reign of the Northern Warlords , with the frequent wars , education was stagnant .

  9. 因此,战祸应该归咎于德国军国主义及其领导人。

    The guilt for the war , therefore , rests at the door of German militarism and its leaders .

  10. 这些难民为了躲避战祸逃到土耳其、黎巴嫩、伊拉克和约旦等邻近国家。

    These refugees have escaped to neighboring countries like Turkey , Lebanon , Iraq and Jordan in to order to get away from the fightting .

  11. 在一天之前,联合国难民署表示,有多达70万的叙利亚人可能在年底前从战祸肆虐之地逃走。

    The meeting comes a day after the U.N. Refugee agency said up to 700000 Syrians could flee the conflict-ravaged country by the end of the year .

  12. 晋、唐时期(317-907),黄河中、下游不少人避战祸、逃灾荒南下。

    Jin , Tang Dynasty ( 317-907 ), the Yellow River middle and lower reaches many people to avoid the scourge of war , famine fled south .

  13. 特别是近代以来,中国人民饱尝战祸之苦,消除战争、实现和平是中国人民最迫切、最深厚的愿望。

    In modern times , China suffered from the scourge of war . To eliminate war and achieve peace became the most pressing and profound desire of the Chinese people .

  14. 在抛弃大马士革郊区破坏殆尽的家后,穆斯塔法和他的妻子,孩子几年迈的父母花了几个月的时间在一个又一个小镇躲避战祸。

    After abandoning his devastated home on the outskirts of Damascus , Mustafa , his wife , children and aging parents spent months seeking safety in one town after another .

  15. 生活将永远因为躲避战祸而改变,战争把他们的所有一切都分开,然而他们却随身携带自己的骄傲,自己的遗产及对于家所眷恋的事物。

    Lives that will be forever change escaping from war , separated froming everything they know and whole dear , taking with them their pride , their heritage and a little piece of home .

  16. 湖南地处中南要地,战祸连年不断,湖南民众对自治思想的推崇最为突出,在自治运动中的表现也最引人瞩目。

    South central , Hunan is situated at the important place , the war disasters have happened for successive years , Hunan people are most prominent to the esteem of autonomous thought , and a display in the autonomous movement is also most conspicuous .