
Genetic Map Construction and QTL Mapping of Fiber Quality in Allotetraploid Cotton
Improve product quality , positioning a sophisticated , yet ensure that products beautiful .
Construction of an RFLP-SSR Linkage Map and Mapping of QTLs Underlying Grain Quality Traits in Rice
Analysis and Countermeasures for Chinese Foundry Enterprise Long-term Quality Problem
A Review of QTL Research for Wheat Quality Traits
Construction of a High-density Molecular Linkage Map of Cabbage and QTLs Mapping of Several Quality Traits
Location of function genes with molecular marking in sweet corn was also great , the quantity genes of pest resistant in silk , cold resistant , chlorotic dwarf virus resistant , seedling growing and taste qualities in sweet corn were located in chromosome , respectively .
This paper expatiated the present condition of cotton fiber quality in Liaoning , and aimed at 32 ~ s of production area in liaoning , putting forward the measure of developing production of high-quality cotton of Liaoning and strengthening the competition ability in cotton market .
The other set of material was a population of recombinant inbred lines ( RILs ) of F8 , composed of 131 lines , of which , steamed bread making quality were investigated and the aim was to locat steamed bread quality by QTL mapping .