
xián yí
  • Xianyi;fit/suit all
  1. 这本书老少咸宜。

    It 's a book for young and old alike .

  2. 这本书老少咸宜。

    This book has universal appeal .

  3. 我们观赏的最后一场演出是《老少咸宜的格林童话》(GrimmTalesforYoungandOld),它基于菲利普·普尔曼(PhilipPullman)由经典改编并于去年在美国出版的成人童话。

    The final play we saw , " Grimm Tales for Young and Old , " was based on Philip Pullman 's adaptation of the classic stories , which was published as a book for adults in the United States last year .

  4. 这项运动老幼咸宜。

    This game is suitable for the old and the young .

  5. 咖哩鱼片饭的味道是老少咸宜的。

    Curry Fish Slices Rice tastes good for all .

  6. 老少咸宜的喜剧《幻想》由艾迪•墨菲扮演的一名行政主管。

    In the family-friendly comedy Imagine That , Eddie Murphy plays an executive .

  7. 老少咸宜的营养饮料。馈赠亲友的四季佳品。

    A nourishing Beverage for all ages , an excellent gift in all seasons .

  8. 如今,这些老少咸宜的塑像已成为了收藏家的收藏品。

    Today , these figures are collector 's items that are adored by children and adults alike .

  9. 本来她应该跳得老少咸宜结果她跳成了香辣艳舞

    She was forced to dance it dry , but she ended up doing a flash dance instead

  10. 她说,该玩具可谓老少咸宜的“沟通工具”。

    The toy can serve as " a communication tool " for the young and old , she said .

  11. 香港科学馆一直以来都是老少咸宜的好去处,让参观者寓学习科学于娱乐。

    The Hong Kong Science Museum has long been the place for visitors of all ages to learn science in an entertaining way .

  12. 《鹅妈妈童谣》的合辙押韵是无可挑剔的,这份文学瑰宝老幼咸宜,永不褪色。

    The rhymes and jingles of Old Mother Goose are , at their best , invaluable literature for old and young , never to be outgrown .

  13. 这和红枣固有的贫富咸宜的品质有关,也和陕北人枣食工艺的审美修养和红枣崇拜有关。

    This is closely related to its suitability for both the rich and the poor and to the people 's aesthetic culture of processing dates and date worship .

  14. 问题的关键在于增强你的免疫力,而不是通过简单地消除症状来缓解病情,因为这些症状是痊愈过程的必然环节。对此,有些自然疗法极具功效,且老少咸宜。

    The key is to help strengthen your immune system and modify symptoms without taking them away because they are part of the recovery process.There are natural ways of doing this very effectively , for adults and children .