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yǒnɡ wù shī
  • poems describing objects
  1. 齐梁初唐咏物诗比较论

    The Comparison of Poems Describing Objects of the Beginning of Tang Dynasty and That of Qi Liang Dynasty

  2. 本文运用了比较方法,论述了初唐咏物诗对齐梁咏物诗的沿袭及其发展新变,并且探讨了促进这两个时期咏物诗发展的原因,总结了其成就和不足。

    This essay discusses how poems describing objects of the beginning of Tang dynasty followed and developed that of Qi Liang dynasty by the method of comparison .

  3. 齐梁咏物诗研究

    A Study of the Thing-chanting Poetry of Qi and Liang Dynasty

  4. 《橘颂》及咏物诗的传统特色

    From Ode to Orange to the Traditional Features of Eulogistic Poetry

  5. 第二部分是咏物诗和艳情诗。

    Another part chants the thing poem and gaudy love song .

  6. 咏物诗是中国最古老的诗歌题材之一。

    Poetry chanting things is one of the most ancient Chinese verse .

  7. 宫体诗是体物潮流影响的结果。在诗歌范围内看,咏物诗是宫体诗最直接的源头。

    It is the trends of the form-and-thing that influence palace poems .

  8. 咏物诗的情节链与李商隐的《锦瑟》诗

    The Plot Linkage of Existential Poetry and Ornamented Zither by Li Shangyin

  9. 唐人咏物诗的生命意识

    Life Consciousness of Poetry Chanting Things of the Tang Dynasty

  10. 咏物诗的发生及其原品格

    The Original Source and Characteristics of Object - Chanting Poetry

  11. 在此基础上回顾了中唐以前的咏物诗发展概况。

    On this basis , review the Development of chanting poetry before Tang .

  12. 杜甫咏物诗刍议

    On Du Fu 's Poems of Praising Material Objects

  13. 论唐代咏物诗与士人生活风尚

    Poetry Chanting Things of the Tang Dynasty and Intellectuals ' way of Living

  14. 近20年咏物诗研究综述

    A Review of the Study of Poetry on Objects in the Last Twenty Years

  15. 第四类,咏物诗。

    The fourth class , singing from poetry .

  16. 咏物诗是中国古代诗歌领域中的一个重要门类。

    The Object-Chanting Poetry is an important class in the field of ancient Chinese poetry .

  17. 略论唐宋咏物诗的写法类型

    Brief Comments on the Writing Types of Poems on Things in Tang and Song Dynasties

  18. 本文从文化内涵和艺术风调两大方面,对魏晋南北朝的咏物诗进行了梳理。

    This thesis expatiates on it from two sides : cultural connotation and artistic pattern .

  19. 并对后世咏物诗的创作产生了深远的影响,具有里程碑式的历史意义。

    It produced far-reaching effect on the later Object-Chanting Poetry and has historical significance of milepost type .

  20. 理学家朱熹还是一位优秀的诗人,本文以其咏物诗作为研究对象。

    Neo-confucianist Zhu Xi is also a good poet . This paper focuses on odes as the research object .

  21. 中唐后期咏物诗的咏物意识及其态势特征

    The creative sense of poetry chanting thing of the later period of Middle-tang dynasty and the type of it

  22. 咏物诗在南朝齐梁时期大量出现是引人注目的文学现象。

    The emergence of poems on objects in Qi and Liang period of Southern Dynastyis a remarkable story in Chinese literature .

  23. 咏物诗到了唐代杜甫,以丰富的情感内涵和多样化的艺术手法,成为咏物诗的创作顶峰。

    Object-Chanting Poetry in Du Fu of Tang Dynasty got into a prosperous period through emotional connotation and diverse artistic techniques .

  24. 咏物诗的繁荣期是唐代,而它的第一个大量出现的时期是南朝。

    The Object-Chanting Poetry flourished at the period of Tang Dynasty , and in Southern Dynasty it first appeared in abundance .

  25. 将《橘颂》与《弹歌》作一番比较,显示屈原的《橘颂》才真正完成了咏物诗的创格。

    A comparison between Tangerine Ode and Bamboo Bow Ode shows that only Qu Yuans Tangerine Ode created the standards of object-chanting poetry .

  26. 受梁代特殊社会风尚的影响,梁代咏物诗在题材领域、文学特质上,都有与前代咏物诗不同的风貌,并体现出独特的发展状况。

    Influenced by the special social fashion in Liang Dynasty , the Yongwu poems show different features in the area of themes and literary characteristics .

  27. 咏物诗独具特色,通过对事物的叹咏来表达自己的情感。

    Second , show unique characteristics on his poem of chanting thing , chanting his poem Ode on a sigh of things to express their feelings .

  28. 咏物诗发展到中唐,许多动植物的意象已有丰富的文化内涵。

    The images of many animals and plants in the Object-chanting Poetry had been rich in cultural connotations up to the middle period of Tang Dynasty .

  29. 杜甫重新确立了独立咏物诗的传统,并作出重大发展:一是通过刻画来发掘事物的独特比喻意义,二是移情入物;

    Du Fu has reestablished the tradition of object-chanting poetry and made some significant developments : 1 . to explore the unique metaphorical meaning via detailed description ;

  30. 陈与义的咏物诗的遗貌取神、侧面着墨的手法正是宋人所开辟的蹊径,并且非常恰当地体现了宋诗皮毛落尽,精神独存的特征。

    It believes that seizing the spirit of things instead of describing the appearance is the very new technique which can exactly reflect the Song poem s characteristics .