
hū huàn
  • call;name;summon;shout to;appellation
呼唤 [hū huàn]
  • (1) [appellation;call;name]∶称谓;称呼

  • 沈存中论五姓,自古无之,后人既如此称呼,即便有义可推。--《朱子语类》

  • (2) [call;summon]∶召唤;分咐派遣(祖国在呼唤我们!)

呼唤[hū huàn]
  1. 回首你的一天,你会发现很难否认骑马旅行是如此接近大自然的呼唤。

    Looking back on your day , you will find it hard to deny that a horseback Safari is as close as you will ever come to answering the call of the wild .

  2. 评论者将欧容的这部怀旧夏日恋曲和《请以你的名字呼唤我》相提并论。

    Reviewers have compared Ozon 's nostalgic recreation of a sun-kissed summer fling to Call Me By Your Name .

  3. 她大声呼唤着他的名字。

    She cried out his name .

  4. 我大声呼唤他的名字。

    I cried out his name .

  5. 远处有人在呼唤我们。

    Somebody is calling us in the distance .

  6. 一听到有人呼唤他的名字,他马上转身。

    He whirled round at the sound of his name .

  7. 呼唤者的声音使她警觉起来。

    The voice of the caller alerted her .

  8. 祖国在呼唤我们!

    Our country is calling us .

  9. 像Ieah那样直截了当地呼唤出我们的恐惧可以帮助我们果断采取行动。

    Calling out our fears explicitly , as Leah did , can help us act decisively .

  10. WTO呼唤现代农村信息经纪人

    The WTO Calls Modern Rural Information Broker

  11. 且听自然的呼唤&风景园林师眼中的IGA

    Summons of the Nature & IGA in the Memory of Landscape Architects

  12. 高速率、低价位、智能化3C光网络呼唤Si基化、集成化SOC芯片

    Si Based Integrated SOC Chip : The Key of High-speed , Low-cost and Smart 3C Optica Network

  13. 传统住居告诉了我们,古人是怎样诗意地栖居在大地上(Poeticinhabitoftheearth),以此来呼唤在住居设计中对人生活本身的关注。

    The traditional dwellings evident how the ancient people lead a poetic inhabit of the earth , which appeals to us who the architecture concerned is the human being itself .

  14. 在WTO背景下,如何改革我国公务员制度,以适应WTO原则,这既是理论的呼唤,也是实践的需要。

    Under the WTO background , how to reform the our country the public official 's system , to adapt to the WTO principle , is theoretical demand , and is also the fulfillment 's demand .

  15. 光电信息科学与技术的迅猛发展,呼唤着新型光电功能材料与之相适应;ZnS作为一种性能优良的光学、电学和光电一体化材料,具有极大的应用价值。

    The Science and Technological for photoelectricity has a great progress recently and it needs eagerly new type photoelectric materials to meet it requirement . ZnS is one of very useful photoelectric materials .

  16. 这里没有消息,没有低语,没有呼唤。

    There is no word , no whisper , no cry .

  17. 社会弱势群体呼唤社会保障制度深层次改革

    Deep Reform of Social Security System Demanded by the Disadvantaged Groups

  18. 夏玛什,带来光亮,吾呼唤汝!

    SHAMMASH , Bringer of Light , I call to Thee !

  19. 而现代性进程中的陷阱和新全球化的历史定位,让我们呼唤中国新的现代性。

    We are expecting a new development of modernity in china .

  20. 实践呼唤过渡经济道德观。

    Practice on transitional economy call the economic ethics of transition .

  21. 创新教育呼唤开放式的语文教学

    The Innovative Education Appeals to the Opening Style of Chinese Teaching

  22. 倾听福建土楼的呼唤

    Listening to the Call of " Earth Building in Fujian "

  23. 素质教育呼唤职业中学教育改革的深化

    Quality Education Calls For the Intensification of Secondary Vocational Educational Reform

  24. 全面实施素质教育呼唤学习评价的改革。

    Quality education calls for the reform of the learning evaluation .

  25. 尤其是《野性的呼唤》这部作品更是具有很强的影响力。

    The Call of the Wild , possesses very great forces .

  26. 啊,“最远的尽头”,啊,你笛声的高亢的呼唤!

    Farthest end , O the keen call of thy flute !

  27. 时代的呼唤与呐喊&解读《解冻》

    Call and Cheer of the Age & Interpretation of Thaw ;

  28. 呼唤神,但要划离岩石。

    Call on God , but row away from the rocks .

  29. 非典疫情呼唤我国新型的农村医疗保障体制

    SARS Call Out a New System of Country Medicare in China

  30. 新的时代呼唤新的营销方式。

    New ways of marketing are required in the new age .