
  • 网络Respiratory process;respiration procedure
  1. 异化铁还原是铁还原微生物以Fe(III)氧化物作为最终电子受体,通过氧化有机物质获得能量的厌氧呼吸过程。

    Dissimilatory iron reduction is a microbial anaerobic respiration , Which with Fe ( III ) as the terminal electron acceptor and oxidize organic matter to gain energy .

  2. 厌氧条件下Fe(III)氧化物的还原,是微生物介导的、以Fe(III)氧化物为最终电子受体的厌氧呼吸过程。

    Dissimilatory Fe ( III ) oxide reduction under anaerobic condition is a process which is an anaerobic respiration with Fe ( III ) as the terminal electron acceptor .

  3. 使用EIT技术对人体肺部进行监测,就是对其在呼吸过程中的阻抗变化进行功能性成像。

    To monitor the lung by EIT system is to get the functional imaging of bioelectrical impedance changes in the process of lung ventilation .

  4. 厌氧条件下环境中的Fe(III)氧化物发生还原,并且这一过程主要是微生物介导的异化还原,即微生物以Fe(III)氧化物为最终电子受体的厌氧呼吸过程。

    Fe ( III ) in environment undergoes reduction under anaerobic condition . And this process is a microbial dissimilatory reduction , namely an anaerobic respiration with Fe ( III ) as the terminal electron acceptor .

  5. 目的用超声心动图方法检测慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者自然呼吸过程中心脏各瓣口血流速度随呼吸的变化,探讨自然呼吸对COPD患者心功能影响的机制及临床意义。

    Objective To study the velocity variation of four cardiac valves during natural respiration to research the mechanism and clinical importance of natural respiration on cardiac function in the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  6. 2诸多因素使肠道菌群经胃-肺途径入肺致VAP,再通过呼吸过程污染呼吸机管路;

    Affected by many factors , intestinal bacteria were access to lung through stomach lung way to cause the occurrence of VAP and also polluted the tubes of ventilators through the process of ventilation .

  7. 构建胸部仿真模型,对电阻抗成像进行仿真,结果表明EIT可以用于监测呼吸过程的阻抗变化,并进行在体实验测量。

    The thorax model is built ; impedance tomography algorithm is emulated , which proves that EIT system is able to monitor impedance changes in lung respiration . Some vivo experiments are carried out . 3 .

  8. 香蕉在采后贮藏期间的呼吸过程是加速的。

    The speed of breathing of Post-harvest Banana accelerated during the storage .

  9. 乙烯促进线粒体呼吸过程中活性氧的作用

    The effect of active oxygen on mitochondrial respiration induced by exogenous ethylene

  10. 细菌培养时呼吸过程数学模型的定性分析

    Qualitative analysis of a mathematical model for respiratory process in bacterial culture

  11. 葡萄糖通过糖酵解作用和三羧酸循环在呼吸过程中被氧化。

    Glucose is oxidized in respiration through glycolysis and the KREBS CYCLE .

  12. 长期施肥对黑土呼吸过程的影响

    Effect of Long-term Fertilization on Respiration Process of Mollisols

  13. 闭合气量测定的新方法及呼吸过程力学机制探讨

    A new method for measurement of closing volume and the mechanical mechanism of respiratory process

  14. 肺泡呼吸过程中表面张力作用的理论探讨

    The theoretical research on the effects of surface tension in the process of pulmonary alveolus

  15. 本文用实验证实了电磁波对生物呼吸过程的影响。

    The influence of electromagnetic wave on biologic respiratory process is demonstrated by an experiment .

  16. 呼吸机撤离是呼吸机由全部同期支持转为自主呼吸过程。

    Ventilator weaning is a gradual reduction of ventilatory support and its replacement with spontaneous ventilation .

  17. 与能量有关的蛋白主要参与光合和光呼吸过程。

    The proteins relative to energy involved in the process of photosynthesis and respiration . 3 .

  18. 着重回答全球变化条件下的土壤呼吸过程机理;

    So soil processes of soil respiration under global change is a key question should be answered .

  19. 对原发的呼吸过程的反应,机体激活代谢系统代偿这种改变。

    In response to a primary respiratory process , the body activates the metabolic system to compensate for the change .

  20. 循环呼吸过程中的清晰度也是很难保证的,练习者在对这个技巧轻车熟路前不应过度追求。

    Articulation is also difficult while circular breathing and should not be attempted until the student is very comfortable slurring .

  21. 不同的代谢、呼吸过程产生的次生代谢产物理论上也会有较大的差别,新型的代谢过程往往可能产生新型的次生代谢产物。

    In theory , the secondary metabolites will be a greater difference which produced by different metabolism and different respiratory processes .

  22. 研究者将呼吸过程中饱和度下降发生的比例作为血氧饱和度下降指数与呼吸障碍指数的比值。

    The researchers calculated the proportion of desaturation to respiratory events as the ratio of oxygen desaturation index to apnea-hypopnea index .

  23. 全心投入到稳定平和的呼吸过程中,我保证你将开始觉得身体更加地平静、放松。

    Focus on this steady , calm inhale-exhale , and I guarantee that you will start to feel more peaceful and relaxed .

  24. 通过保持在呼吸过程中的身体水平,他在整个呼吸过程划水很顺畅,而且整个呼吸过程都保持身体的向前滑行。

    By staying balanced during the breath , he 'll have a smoother stroke that keeps him moving forward at all times .

  25. 通过分析流场特性得知,呼吸过程中气流速度的最大值出现在喉部区域;

    By analyzing the characteristic of flow field , a conclusion can be drew that the maximum velocity appears at larynx during breathing ;

  26. 从数值模拟结果可以得到人体呼吸过程中气体流场在整个腔体中的分布。

    From the results of the numerical simulation , the airflow distribution in the whole cavity in the course of respiration was obtained .

  27. 氧气是有益气体,二氧化碳是有害气体,鸡在呼吸过程中要吸入氧气,排出二氧化碳。

    Oxygen is beneficial , carbon dioxide gas is harmful gas , chicken in the breath process to take in oxygen , emit carbon dioxide .

  28. 结果表明,姬松茸降解的有机物质绝大部分被菌体的呼吸过程消耗掉,绝对生物学效率较低;

    The results showed as follows : The organic matter was mostly consumed by respiration of the fungus , so the absolute biological efficiency was comparatively low ;

  29. 介绍一种新型的生化需氧量分析装置,不但能准确地测定环境水质的生化需氧量值,且测定过程更是一种与实际微生物生化降解过程相似的供氧呼吸过程。

    A new apparatus for BOD which can measure the BOD of environment water sample with accuracy is a continous oxygen supplying and consuming process like microorganism decomposition .

  30. 在呼吸过程中,呼吸肌为克服弹性阻力和非弹性阻力而实现肺通气所作的功称为呼吸功。

    In the process of respiration , the work done by respiration muscles to realize pulmonary ventilation and to overcome elasrtic resistance and non-elasrtic resistance is called work of breathing .