
  • 网络bitter
  1. 络活喜AmlodipineBesylate分子式:C26H31ClN2O8S性质:白色或淡黄色结晶性粉未,无臭、味苦,易溶于水、甲醇。

    Norvasc Amlodipine Besylate Molecular formula : C26H31ClN2O8S Properties : white or light yellow crystalline powder , odorless , bitter taste , soluble in water , methanol .

  2. 性状项下,规定本品为棕褐色颗粒,气香,味苦;

    The characters : brown granule , fragrant smelling and bitter tasty .

  3. 板蓝根为十字花科菘蓝属植物菘蓝IsatisindigoticaFort的干燥根,性寒味苦,有清热解毒、凉血消肿的功效。

    Isatis indigotica Fort is the dried root of Isatis tinctoria . It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxicating , cooling blood and detumescence .

  4. 黄芩(ScutellariabaicalensisGeorgi)为唇形科多年生草本植物,其根性寒味苦、具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒、止血、安胎等功效。

    Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi ( S. baicalensis ) is an herbaceous perennial plant used as a medicinal plant , which roots have been used for cleaning away heat , moistening aridity , purging fire , detoxifying toxicosis , and is also anti-abortion agent .

  5. 而今识尽愁味苦。

    Today I feeling a bitter taster in my life .

  6. 无臭,味苦,遇光和受热渐渐变色。

    No foul , Bitterpungent , except light and heat gradually change color .

  7. 全草性寒,味苦。

    Cold in property , bitter in flavour .

  8. 而食用芦荟品种味苦、味感差,也制约芦荟食品产业的发展。

    The bitter tastes and poor flavor also constrain the development of Aloe food industry .

  9. 继而他们又用各种各样味苦的化合物测试人体和老鼠气道的反应。

    The scientists then exposed human and mouse airways to various bitter compounds to gauge the effects .

  10. 性味苦、寒,归脾、肺、胃经。

    Nature painstakingly , cold , turns over to spleen , the lung , the functioning of the stomach .

  11. 传统医学记载,丹参味苦性微寒,归心、心包经,专走血分。

    Objective It is recorded in the traditional medicine that Danshen Root tastes bitter and inherent character is slight cold .

  12. 本品为棕褐色至黑褐色的水蜜丸;气微,味苦。

    [ Character ] The product is the honeyed pill with brown to black brown and tiny odor , bitter in taste .

  13. 生料酿酒过程中导致产品味苦的若干因素初探

    The Elementary Probing to the Produce of the Factors that Causes the Bitter Taste of the Wine in the Liquor-making Techniques with Uncooked materials

  14. 为白色或几乎白色的结晶性粉末;无臭,味苦。本品在乙醇中溶解,在水中微溶。

    It 's a white or almost white microcrystalline powder , odorless , bitter taste , sparingly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol .

  15. 种子可入药,味苦性寒;有毒。归肺、肾、大肠经。

    Seeds can be used as medicine and it tastes bitter , quality of cold , toxic , in the lungs , kidney and large intestine .

  16. 研究表明树舌灵芝味苦,具有抗癌、止痛、消炎解毒等药理药效的作用。

    Researches demonstrated that it is bitter and has many pharmacological actions , such as anti-tumor , relieve pain , suppression of inflammation and so on .

  17. 野生茄子果实小、味苦,后经过长期地栽培以及选育工作,现已培育出许多能够适应各地栽培的不同优良品种。

    Wild eggplants are small and taste bitter . After long-term cultivation and selection , many excellent eggplant varieties were bred for cultivating in different regions .

  18. 苦竹属竹种因为笋味苦,蔑性较差,其利用价值长期以来没有引起人们的重视,资源破坏十分严重。

    No attention has been paid to the exploitation of the value for various species of Pleioblastus because of its bitter taste and poor flexibility , resulting to significant destruction of the resource .

  19. 如果用还原糖含量高的马铃薯炸薯片,还会发生美拉德反应,使薯片呈黑色或褐色,味苦,同时还会产生丙烯酰胺等致癌物。

    High content of sugars will induce the Maillard Reaction , in which the colors of fried potato chips change to black or brown , the chips taste bitter , and acrylamide , a carcinogenic substances , is formed .

  20. 红枣果实黑斑病的病原分离和鉴定山西省红枣果实发生的一种新病害&红枣果实黑斑病,症状表现为果顶或脐部形成黑红色病斑,枣味苦不可食,损失严重。

    One new disease jujube Alternaria and Phoma blight on Chinese date fruits was reported in Shanxi . The typical symptom was that black red spots emerged on the top or umbilical parts of jujube , made the fruits too bitter to be eaten .

  21. 栀子是茜草科植物山栀子的干燥成熟果实,性寒、味苦,无毒,具有泻火除烦,清热利湿,凉血散瘀的功效。

    Fructus gardenia is the dry ripe fruit of Mountain gardenia Rubiaceae , cold-natured , bitter in taste , innocuity , with the function of reducing fire except vexed , clearing away heat evil and promoting diuresis , cooling blood eliminating stasis to activate blood circulation .

  22. 性状:本品为白色或类白色结晶性粉末,无臭、味略苦。

    Description : White to almost white crystall powder , taste slight bitter .

  23. 那段时间嘴里没味或苦我就吃点水果糖。

    During that time mouth did not taste or bitter fruit I eat sugar .

  24. 茶味很苦,但又浓又香,与甜味全然不同。

    It is bitter , strong and strangely delicious , a perfect contrast to the sweet .

  25. 氯霉素是白色至微黄色细针状或片状结晶,无臭,味极苦。

    Chloramphenicol is white or slight yellow-green needle-like , long flaky crystal or crystalline powder with bitter taste .

  26. 无臭,味微苦,易溶于水,微溶于乙醇,不溶于乙醚。

    Odorless , slightly bitter taste , soluble in water , slightly soluble in ethanol , insoluble in ether .

  27. 牵挂是一杯清茶,飘荡着淡雅的清香,却苦的有味,苦的醇厚,别有一番韵味。

    Is about a cup of green tea , an elegant fragrance waft , but bitter , bitter mellow , do not have a charm .

  28. 甘温除热法临床运用40例分析结果显示:唐宋元时期治疗消化道脾胃湿热证的药物性味以苦、辛、寒、甘、温为主;

    Analysis of 40 Cases of Clinical Application of Antipyresis by Sweet Warm Remedies The results show : ( 1 ) herbs that were used in Tang , Song and Yuan dynasties were predominantly bitter , pungent , cold , sweet , warm in properties ;

  29. 补骨脂为常用补益中药,味辛,苦,归肾、脾经。

    Fructus Psoraleae is a common tonic Chinese medicine , which is pungent and bitter in flavor , warm in nature , and attributive to the kidney and spleen meridians ;

  30. 作为中药,其味甘、苦,性寒,具有清热解毒、消肿散结、利尿通淋、健胃消炎、保肝利胆等功效。目的:探讨八正合剂利尿通淋的药理学作用机制。

    It has effects of antifebrile and detoxifcation , detumescence and lump dissipation , stomachic , antipyrotic , liver protection and cholagogue , and so on . Objective : To explore the pharmacological mechanism of Bazheng Mixture ( BZM ) in promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria .