
wēi ruí
  • luxuriant;hanging down in clusters;weary
葳蕤 [wēi ruí]
  • (1) [hanging down in clusters]∶草木茂盛,枝叶下垂的样子

  • 上葳蕤而防露兮。--《楚辞.七谏.初放》

  • 羽盖葳蕤。--张衡《东京赋》

  • 葳蕤自生光。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [weary]∶委顿;委靡不振

葳蕤[wēi ruí]
  1. 花儿开得那样葳蕤和快乐,是因为它们不知道自己要死。

    The flower opens such luxuriant and joyful , is because they did not know that they must die .

  2. 加减葳蕤汤对青霉素致小鼠上呼吸道菌群失调的调节作用

    Regulating Effects of Jia Jian Wei Rui Decoction on Dysbacteriosis in Upper Respiratory Tract of Mice induced by Penicillin

  3. 当夕阳从草木葳蕤的花园里收敛起金色的光辉,当月亮从地平线上升起,洒下静柔如水的清辉&你可在把我思念?

    When the setting sun collects its golden glows from grassy garden and when the moon rises from the horizon , do you ever miss men .

  4. 碧草葳蕤,野芳清馨,不说去哪里,唯是静静地享受此刻时光。

    The green jade grass Wei Rui , savage Fang pure Xin , don 't say where , only is noiselessly enjoy time at the moment .