
  1. 欧盟渴望在向其周边地区传播和平、繁荣和良好治理方面扮演关键角色。

    The EU aspires to play a crucial role in spreading peace , prosperity and good government to its wider neighbourhood .

  2. 儒学凭借其独特的魅力影响着中国的社会,同时,儒学以其博大精深的思想不断地向中国周边国家传播。

    Confucianism rely on unique glamour their influence society of China , meanwhile , Confucianism in order to constant to travel to China peripheral country with extensive and profound thought their .

  3. 本文在汉画像石雕刻技法类型学研究的基础上,区分了豫鲁苏皖四省三个汉画像石雕刻中心区域,并认为汉画像石雕刻技法是以这三个区域为中心向周边辐射传播。

    Allow for this principle , the author had distinguished Yu , Lu , Su , Wan four provinces Han stone sculpture into three center area . And thinking Han stone carving techniques spread followed these three regions as the center to neighboring radiation transmission .

  4. 他写作《方言》一书,就是出于向周边民族地区传播中原文化的需要。

    His book " Dialect " was to meet the needs of spreading central culture to the border areas .

  5. 而展现这个影响的一个重要方法就是在研究本土文化的基础上扩展到研究其与周边文化的传播和交流。

    An important method to show the influence is to research on spreading and exchanging on the basis of the local culture .

  6. 东汉统治者重视文化交流,积极向周边少数民族地区传播以儒学为主体的汉文化,又通过疏通丝路、派遣使者与周边国家乃至西域诸国开展文化往来,积极引入佛教文化。

    They actively spread Chinese culture which is Confucianism based to neighboring minority areas and introduced Buddhist culture through envoys sent for culture contacts with surrounding countries , even the Western Regions .