
  • 网络periodic vibration;oscillation;Cycle Vibration
  1. 该方法对时间序列叠加一个周期振动,通过最大Lyapunov指数分析,来判别叠加前后系统混沌特性的变化,进而实现控制混沌。

    The said method has been realized through analyzing the largest Lyapunov exponent for evaluating the change of chaotic features of the time series before and after stacking with a periodic vibration .

  2. 应用这种方法,分析了银山铅锌矿尾矿坝浸润线实测数据。结果表明,叠加周期振动可以降低最大Lyapunov指数。

    The method helps to monitor the seepage line data of tailings dam in Yinshan lead-Zinc Mine , Jiangxi , indicating that the largest Lyapunov exponent can be reduced by stacking with a periodic vibration .

  3. 非线性力学中一类Euler动弯曲模型的周期振动与混沌解

    Periodic and chaotic motion in the euler 's Zig model of nonlinear mechanics

  4. 对周期振动进行谐波分析,在周期函数能表示为时间的确定性函数时,通常都用富里哀(Fourier)方法。

    In general , Fourier method is used for harmonical analysis when periodic functions can be expressed by definite functions .

  5. 布鲁塞尔振子系统的Hopf分歧及周期振动解

    The brusselator equation of Hopf and periodic solutions A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF CYCLE

  6. 分析表明,当时滞量τ达到临界值时,系统将会经历一个超临界Hopf分岔而产生稳定的周期振动。

    It can be seen obviously from the analysis that when the delay reaches the critical value , the maglev system will undergo a supercritical Hopf bifurcation and generate stable periodic oscillation .

  7. Duffing方程是描述共振现象、调和振动、次调和振动、拟周期振动、概周期振动、奇异吸引子和混沌现象(或随机过程)的简单数学模型,在机械和电子工程技术中有许多重要的应用。

    Duffing equation is one of the commonest examples to describe the resonance , harmonic vibration , subharmonic vibration , quasi-periodic vibration , almost periodic vibration , singular attractors and chaos phenomena , etc. And it has abroad applications in mechanics and electronic technologies .

  8. 直升机周期振动及导弹发射振动随机性分析

    Analysis of Randomness of Helicopter Vibration and Missile Launch Induced Vibration

  9. 柔性基础上马达周期振动的主动隔离

    Active Isolation of Periodic Vibration From Motor to Flexible Receiver

  10. 壁面展向周期振动的槽道湍流减阻机理的研究

    Mechanism of drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation in turbulent channel flow

  11. 基于前馈模糊自学习控制的强迫周期振动主动控制

    Active Control of Forced Periodic Vibration Based on Feedforward Fuzzy Self-learning Control

  12. 三参数强非线性系统的周期振动与分叉

    The Periodic Vibrations and Bifurcations of a strongly Nonlinear System with Three Parameters

  13. 南海中部上层海洋温度的短周期振动

    The short-term oscillation of temperature in upper layer in Central South China Sea

  14. 给出一类强非线性对称振子周期振动的一种解法。

    A solution to the periodic vibration of strongly nonlinear symmetric oscillators is given .

  15. 江苏省月平均最高、最低气温周期振动的谱特征

    The spectrum characters of jiangsu 's monthly average extreme high and low temperature variations

  16. 讨论了材料的缺陷参数对球壳产生周期振动的影响。

    The effects of material imperfection on period vibration of the spherical shell are discussed .

  17. 结果表明,叠加周期振动可以抑制系统的混沌。

    The results show that the chaos can be restrained by superposing a periodic vibration .

  18. 受轴向基础激励悬臂梁非线性动力学建模及周期振动

    Nonlinear dynamic modeling and periodic vibration of a cantilever beam subjected to axial movement of basement

  19. 给出了球壳产生周期振动和最终被破坏的数值算例。

    After that , numerical examples of period vibration and destroy of the spherical shell are presented .

  20. 结果表明前馈模糊自学习系统对强迫周期振动具有良好的抑制效果。

    The results show that feed forward fuzzy self-learning system have good effect on suppression of periodic forced vibration .

  21. 由两种不同频率的波叠加在一起而产生的波在某一区域内的周期振动。

    The periodic variation in amplitude of a wave produced by the superposition of two waves of different frequencies .

  22. 月平均海面以年周期振动为主,其次是半年周期。

    The seasonal sea level change is of annual period and the second oscillation is of semi - annual period .

  23. 典型尺度的雷暴低空风切变以长周期振动频率激励飞机,使其偏离预计下滑航迹。

    A typical low-level wind shear of thunderstorm activates long periodic oscillation of an aircraft , causing tracking deviation of the aircraft .

  24. 爆炸震源的地震纵波是脉冲性质的。周期振动是地震脉冲引起的次生振动。

    A primary seismic wave from an explosive source is a pulse response , and its periodic vibration originates from seismic pulses .

  25. 其次,作为初步应用,利用该方法研究了槽道湍流中周期振动凹坑所产生的流动结构。

    Turbulent flow over an oscillating dimple was studied using present numerical scheme , and the periodic generation of vortical structures was analyzed .

  26. 本文用近年来全球网格点每日卫星微波测量数据,研究了平流层下层亮度温度场的长周期振动。

    The temporal variations in the lower stratosphere temperature have been investigated by analyzing daily global grids of high quality , satellite-borne microwave measurements .

  27. 指出:北半球平均动能、涡动动能以及涡动动能和平均动能之间的转换率,有准两周的周期振动。

    Mean energy , total eddy energy and total value of conversion rate all show a quasi-two-week oscillation . But there are phase differences among them .

  28. 文中,对临界力作用下压杆的弯曲振动作了分析,讨论了其非线性周期振动的性质。

    An analysis of the flexural vibration of the column subjected to critical load is carried out in this paper , and its nonlinear nature discussed .

  29. 对所建模型的分析表明,该系统具有多种非线性振动形式,即周期振动、概周期振动直至混沌振动。

    The study on the model shows that a wide spectrum of dynamic responses such as periodic , quasi periodic and chaotic vibrations can be easily observed .

  30. 给出强非线性自治系统周期振动的频率展开法.该法将动力系统的非线性恢复力表示为线性主部和非线性辅部;

    An expansion frequency method for strongly nonlinear autonomous systems is given . The nonlinear restoring force is expressed as both the linear mainbody and nonlinear secondary .