
  • Chow Yun-fat;Yun-Fat Chow
  1. 这部由周润发、章子怡和杨紫琼主演的影片取得了意想不到的成功,在线电影票房网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片在全球共获得了2.135亿美元的票房。

    It starred Chow Yun-fat , Zhang Ziyi and Ms. Yeoh and was an unexpected hit ─ pulling in a world-wide total of $ 213.5 million , according to Box Office Mojo .

  2. 国内受欢迎的香港明星周润发和台湾的周杰伦(他在电影版的《青蜂侠》中扮演助手加藤,在红毯上亮相宣传即将上映的影片),韩国的“万人迷”赵寅成、意大利女演员兼制片人MariaCucinotta也出席了仪式。

    Local favorites like Hong Kong star Chow Yun-fat and Taiwan 's Jay Chou , who played sidekick Kato in the movie version of " The Green Hornet " made appearances on the red carpet to promote upcoming films . South Korean heart-throb Zo In-sung , Italian actress and producer Maria Cucinotta also attended the ceremony .

  3. 本年度最热门的功夫电影是好莱坞票房打周润发蹲TIGER,HIDDEN飞龙,另一个武术史诗。

    This year 's hottest Kung Fu movie is the Hollywood box office hit , Chow Yun-Fat 's CROUCHING TIGER , HIDDEN DRAGON , another martial arts epic .

  4. 每10个香港人中,就有8人在黄金时段收看TVB翡翠台的节目,这里曾造就了《卧虎藏龙》中周润发等明星。

    Eight out of10 Hong Kong televisions are tuned to TVB 's Jade channel during prime time , watching shows that produced stars such as Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon 's Chow Yun-fat .

  5. 周润发在香港因为出演黑帮片而声名鹊起。

    Chow Yun-fat rose to fame in Hongkong with gangster movies .

  6. 不要再想你这辈子必须找个张柏芝或李嘉欣,因为你不是周润发。

    Cheung or Michelle Reis , because you are not Chow Yun-fat .

  7. 当然是中国人,是由周润发主演的。

    Of course , a chinese , Zhou Runfa plays the leading role .

  8. 2003年,有由杨紫琼和周润发出演的版本的传言。

    In2003 , there was talk of a version starring Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun-Fat .

  9. 娱乐圈内演艺人员包括挚友周润发前至哀悼慰问。

    Fellow entertainers including Chow Yun-Fat , the couple 's long-time friend , have sent condolences .

  10. 而周润发主演的全明星阵容贺岁喜剧《澳门风云3》以1.78亿的票房占据第二位。

    From Vegas To Macau III , a comedy starring Chow , debuted in second place with 178 million yuan .

  11. 如果我是一个明星的话,我就要像香港影星周润发一样,又酷又聪明。

    If I were a star I would want to be cool and intelligent like the Hong Kong star , Chow Yun Fat .

  12. 中国影星周润发所饰演的角色因在影片中对中国人的辱骂和丑化以及对新加坡人的污蔑而被审查人员削减了近一半。

    Chinese movie star Chow Yun-Fat 's role has been slashed in half by censors in China for vilifying and defacing the Chinese and insulting Singapore .

  13. 周润发对谢霆锋说,你这么年轻有为,香港电影的后30年就靠你了!

    Chou said to Tse : You are so young and ambitious , so the next 30 years of Hong Kong films will rest on your shoulders !

  14. 其后,周润发宣布因为收到剧本太迟导致其不能够为角色塑造做充分准备,从而决定退出参演该片。

    Chow later announced that he was withdrawing from the film because he had received the script too late for him to prepare adequately for his role .

  15. 吴导的工作伙伴张家振告诉新浪(一家中国新闻网站),周润发提出了73条附加条款。

    Woo 's business partner , Terrence Chang , told Sina . com , a Chinese news website , that Chow had demanded the addition of73 clauses .

  16. 1990年,他在周润发风格的电影《赌圣》中扮演主角,并开始转入喜剧领域。

    He had his first starring role in 1990 in a Chow Yun-Fat spoof : All for the Winner ( Du Sheng ) and started excelling in the comedy genre .

  17. 周润发事后对美联社表示,契约的条款都是在“好莱坞模式的合同”基础上提出的,并指出,“也许并非所有人都习惯好莱坞合约。”

    Chow later told the Associated Press that the contractual provisions were based on a " Hollywood-style contract ," and remarked ," Maybe everyone hasn 't gotten used to Hollywood contracts . "

  18. 在春节这场票房大战中,香港电影制作人周星驰执导的电影《美人鱼》大获全胜,力压另外两位重量级对手周润发和郭富城主演的影片,位居票房榜首。

    Hong Kong film-maker Stephen Chow won the battle at the Chinese New Year box office , with his movie Mermaid topping two others which boasted the heavyweight star power of Chow Yun Fat and Aaron Kwok .

  19. 要想明白吴宇森和周润发合作的这部影片为何能够超越两人合作的另外两部在风格上更有成就的影片《喋血双雄》和《辣手神探》而成功获得一代人的关注,可能就相当于追溯香港的影迷历史。

    To understand how this particular John Woo-Chow Yun-fat collaboration - instead of their more stylistically accomplished The Killer or Hard Boiled - captured the imaginations of a generation is perhaps to chart the history of cinephilia in Hong Kong .

  20. 著名影星周润发先生(左二)在下榻上海JW万豪酒店期间受到酒店总经理乔朗臻(左一)、房务总监查乐(中)及其他员工的欢迎。

    Famous movie star Chow Yun Fat ( L2 ) welcomed by the general manager , John Northen ( L1 ), director of rooms , Nagesh Chawla ( M ) and other staff during his stay at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai .

  21. 其他核心角色的演员与前任相比都差了几分。刘承羽取代章子怡,饰演那个年轻女人,岑康勇代替张震,饰演盗匪,感情内敛的动作明星甄子丹取代了迷人的周润发,饰演俞秀莲的精神恋人。

    The other central roles have been filled with performers less charismatic than their predecessors : Natasha Liu Bordizzo replaces Zhang Ziyi as the young woman , Harry Shum Jr. subs for Chang Chen as the bandit , and the stolid action star Donnie Yen steps in for the magnetic Chow Yun-Fat as Shu Lien 's platonic paramour .