
  1. 周学熙为唐山近代工业的发展作出了突出的贡献。

    ZHOU Xue-xi made outstanding contributions to the development of modern Tangshan industry .

  2. 周学熙与唐山近代工业

    ZHOU Xue-xi 's Industrial Activities in Modern Tangshan

  3. 袁世凯与周学熙关系考因

    The Study of the Reasons of the Relation between YUAN Shi-kai and ZHOU Xue-xi

  4. 在袁世凯的经济思想中,官商合作即官为商助思想占有重要的地位,其表现有二,一是扶持周学熙近代工业企业集团以为示范,二是扶持近代民族资本蓬勃发展以增强国力。

    In the YUAN Shi kai 's economy thought , the thoughts of government official helping the merchants occupied the important position .

  5. 京师自来水公司的顺利创建和发展,很大程度上归功于袁世凯、周学熙和王锡彤三个人的作用。

    The company , on a large part , owed it 's smooth establishment and development to Yuan Shikai , Zhou Xuexi and Wang Xitong .

  6. 正是这些原因构成两人紧密关系的基础,成就了袁世凯&周学熙集团的形成发展。

    It is that the exact reason forms the foundation of the close relation between two people , impels the forming and developing of YUAN Shi-kai-ZHOU Xue-xi group .

  7. 他在唐山创办的这些经济实体,不仅是周学熙资本集团的基干,而且是近代唐山工业发展的脊梁。

    These economic entities established by ZHOU Xue-xi were not only the basic stem of ZHOU Xue-xi Capital Group but also the backbone of modern ( Tangshan ) industrial development .

  8. 清末袁世凯集团的崛起与列强对华政策的演变正是这些原因构成两人紧密关系的基础,成就了袁世凯&周学熙集团的形成发展。

    The Emerging of Yuan Shikai Clique and the Evolvement of Western Countries ' Policy on China ; It is that the exact reason forms the foundation of the close relation between two people , impels the forming and developing of YUAN Shi-kai-ZHOU Xue-xi group .