
An upset employee complained about an aspect of the MacBook laptop that made it difficult for disabled people to use .
At Research in Motion , now Blackberry ( BBRY ) , employees in Halifax complained last year that the company 's layoffs were inhumane , according to the Chronicle Herald in Canada . But many workers don 't speak out .
It was very much of a * Some employees complained about it that we interview .
HR managers believe that when staff complain , it is more a matter of perception than an actual problem .
For all that employees complain about long hours , they , too , have reasons not to trade money for leisure .
And there 's another area that needs improvement : our employees complain that they 're not getting enough job-related skills development training .
But many of the company 's employees have complained that walking 180000 steps every month -- about 6000 a day -- is a nearly impossible task .
That move came after some employees complained earlier this year that they had little incentive to work late because the cafeteria was closed , said people familiar with the matter .
Now some Chinese sales staff are complaining that GSK has denied them bonuses , threatened their dismissal or refused to reimburse them for bribes they say were sanctioned by their superiors to boost drug sales .
Horrible bosses sandbag their complaints , criticisms , and advice until the employee 's performance review .
Front-line staffs complaining behavior can be divided into verbal complaint behavior and actions of complaint behavior .
Their reason : There were complaints from customers and staff about rude comments being made in Navajo .
And bosses should defuse conflicts early , listen to staff complaints , avoid overcrowding and set realistic workloads and deadlines .
The labour ministry began publishing its findings in 2003 in response to complaints of employees forced to work overtime and developing health problems .
The reasonable salary design can increase the cohesion of the internal and external competitiveness , If the design of a failure will lead to the increased cost of employees complain .
Zhai Min , 24 , a software engineer at Kingdee International Software Group in Shenzhen , found that three elderly workers liked to complain about everything , from prolonged working hours to cheap hotels on business trips .
Influenced by the traditional Chinese culture , there is high power distance between superiors and subordinates in all types of organizations in our country . One can often hear employees complain that their superiors ignore them , criticize them wantonly and even abuse them .
Chinyere went on : ' When I asked a Prada employee whether they knew they had plastered blackface imagery throughout their store , in a moment of surprising candor I was told that a black employee had previously complained about blackface at Prada , but he didn 't work there anymore . '
Loosely managed teams can become hotbeds of distraction ― employees routinely complain that they can 't get their work done because they are forced to spend too much time in meetings or compelled to work in noisy offices .
Overtime and a wide mismatch between low salaries and high housing costs were also grumbles .
While businesses have jumped at the opportunities , some of their workers grumble about the customers " attitudes .
The boss was complaining in our staff meeting the other day that he wasn 't getting any respect .
Just last month three employees complained to me that they no longer eat in the cafeteria because they find the experience'unbearable .
To make matters worse , the newsroom was hit with turmoil last year when staff members complained bitterly of a culture of fear .
Tying insurance to employment worsens the insecurity many US workers complain of : lose your job and your health insurance goes with it .
Staff have long complained that they lead to a " rank and yank " process , where people rated lowest on a bell curve get forced out .
In many other cases , employees have griped about their company online , or posted joke videos that put it in a bad light and took a considerable amount of damage control to undo .
In human resource management there are still some problems which constract the rapid development in LY Co. , Ltd. Employee have more complaint with their job than ever , and the turnover has the trend of increasing .
Goodness knows , plenty workers have reason to complain these days .
As the employee who lives closest to work , I am the one who is complaining being far away all the time .