- acceptance at complaint only

The Legal Status of to Be Handled only upon Complaint
On the law character on the crime of " to be handled only with complaint "
The crime of embezzlement is a crime which our country legal rule tells only then processes ; this legislation stipulated itself has certain serious flaws .
Article 98 " To be handled only upon complaint " as mentioned in this Law means that a case shall only be handled if the victim brings a complaint .
This part mainly expounds how to punish such crimes according to concrete law system , and make a thorough comparison and research on " it is punishment to file a suit " .
You need to specify a valid data source before you can proceed . The phrase " To be handled only upon complaint " in this law refers to handling a case only when the victim files a complaint .
Generally speaking , petty criminal cases involve following two types : First , cases accepted at complaint only and petty criminal cases authenticated by the victims , according to article 170 item 2 of the Criminal Proceeding Law of P. R.
The phrase " To be handled only upon complaint " in this law refers to handling a case only when the victim files a complaint . In the course of the handling of the case , the administrative organ for reconsideration shall cease its hearing of the said case .
Those committing crimes mentioned above are to be investigated only if they are sued , with the exception of cases that seriously undermine social order or the state 's interests
Acceptance at complaint only , i.e. no trial without complaint , is an important legal system , which has been provided in most criminal laws at all times and in all countries .