
  1. "也许这会让这门艺术更受欢迎。"吴说。

    " Maybe it will make this art more popular . " Woo said .

  2. 你不必等老师当面向你解释,"吴说。

    You don 't have to wait for your teacher to explain it to you face to face , " according to Wu .

  3. “起初,我并没有做错什么,”吴说。

    At first , Iwasnt doing anything wrong , Wu said .

  4. 刚才小吴说的是一个很重要的话题。

    What Little Wu just said is a very important topic .

  5. 我听小吴说,我们明天开始军训。

    Ve heard from Xiao Wu that we 'll start out military training tomorrow .

  6. 担任首席执行官的查里.吴说,他的公司早就料到了低迷时期会来临,因此预先就采取措施确保贷款的来源。

    Chief executive Charlie Woo says the company foresaw a downturn and took preventive action by securing its line of credit .

  7. 优兴咨询公司中国经理威廉·吴说,银行业依然是最吸引中国年轻人的行业。

    William Wu , the China country manager for Universum , said that banking remains an attractive industry for young Chinese .

  8. 在周四,吴说那个团伙策划绑架前往奥运会的运动员和游客。

    On Thursday , Wu said the ring was plotting to kidnap athletes , foreign journalists and other visitors to the August Games .

  9. 有关衍生产品市场之持续专业培训课程,请联络周?诗小姐或吴文博先生。我刚听小吴说,我们明天开始军训。

    For Derivatives Market related courses , please contact Ms. Susanna Chow or Mr. Dominic Ng . I 've just heard form Xiao Wu that we 'll start our military training tomorrow .