
tīng jué
  • hearing;sense of hearing;audition;auditory sense;auditory sensation
听觉 [tīng jué]
  • [sense of hearing;anditory sensation] 脊椎动物具有的与声音感觉有关的特殊官能之一,机械振动波通过哺乳动物耳内的感受器传递,或在较低等的脊椎动物中通过听壶这种相应的知觉感受器传递。人类在正常情况下可以听到频率为16至27000赫的声音,声能转换成冲动后,由听神经传导至听觉中枢而感受到

听觉[tīng jué]
  1. 第二章,听觉与视觉的关系,从物质基础、生理属性、心理作用三大方面分析了听觉与视觉的相互关系。

    The second part is the relations between auditory sense and visual sense including material basis , physiologic attribute and physiological function .

  2. 背景:颞叶皮质与人类和动物的学习记忆能力有关,它不仅接受听觉的投射纤维,还与许多空间认知相关的脑区有密切关系。

    BACKGROUND : Temporal cortex is related to human and animal 's learning and memory capability , it not only accepts the casting fibers of auditory sense , but also closely connects with many brain areas where are related to spatial cognition .

  3. 狗的听觉比人灵敏得多。

    Dogs can hear much better than humans .

  4. 我听觉不太好。

    I can 't hear very well .

  5. 她的听觉不灵。

    Her hearing is poor .

  6. 他听觉受损。

    He 's hearing-impaired .

  7. 他的头脑似乎还清楚,听觉也很好。

    His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent .

  8. 黑暗中我的听觉变得异常灵敏。

    In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute .

  9. 她有视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。

    She can see , hear , touch , smell , and taste

  10. 《芝加哥》将给所有音乐爱好者献上一场听觉的盛宴。

    Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover .

  11. 我用听觉比视觉要多得多。

    I use the sense of sound much more than the sense of sight .

  12. 他们失去了听觉。

    They lost their ability to hear

  13. 助听器有助于克服听觉缺陷。

    A hearing aid helps to overcome defects in hearing .

  14. 他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害。

    His hearing is somewhat impaired .

  15. 听觉因年老而衰退。

    Hearing sensitivity declines with age .

  16. 这是刺激大脑中听觉区域的人造装置。

    It 's an artificial device which stimulates the auditory areas of the brain .

  17. 我能够凭听觉而不是识谱来演奏音乐。

    I could play by ear .

  18. 研究者们总结说,猫的捕猎方式也许是通过使用它们的听觉,基于它们的常识性能力来推断猎物的位置而培养起来的。

    The researchers conclude that cats ' hunting style may have developed based on their common-sense abilities to infer where prey is , using their hearing .

  19. 主要有三种不同的学习类型:视觉、听觉和动觉。

    There are mainly three different learning types : Visual , Auditory and Kinesthetic .

  20. 听觉学习者通过听觉学习效果最好。

    Auditory learners learn best by hearing .

  21. 如果你似乎是通过听来记住事情的,那么你很可能是一个听觉学习者。

    If you seem to remember things by hearing them , then you are likely an auditory learner .

  22. 给你的机器人安装上传感器:光传感器(眼睛)、触觉传感器(手)、化学传感器(鼻子)、听觉传感器(耳朵)和味觉传感器(舌头)。

    Give your robot sensors : light sensors ( eyes ) , touch sensors ( hands ) , chemical sensors ( nose ) , hearing sensors ( ears ) and taste sensors ( tongue ) .

  23. 大声朗读单词能加深单词的听觉记忆。

    Reading words aloud gives you a phonetic2 memory trail .

  24. 巨大的噪音有损听觉。

    Loud noise can impair your hearing .

  25. 所涉及的大脑区域是初级听觉皮层,这也是人们清醒时大脑处理耳虫的相关区域。

    The brain region involved , the primary audio cortex , is also linked to earworm processing when people are awake .

  26. 然后,这些骨头将声音振动传递到耳蜗,耳蜗刺激神经轴突,将听觉信号发送到大脑。

    These bones then transmit the sound vibrations6 to the cochlea , which stimulates7 nerve axons that send the auditory signal to the brain .

  27. 研究人员们认为,这表明人类的听觉和视觉依靠相同的神经资源进行处理,神经资源有限,也许一次只能完成一种任务。

    The researchers believe this shows that humans ' sense of hearing and vision relies on the same neural1 resources , which are limited and may only be available to one type of task at a time .

  28. “我们的听觉变得更加灵敏。我的嗅觉更敏锐了,而且你能真正感受到扑面而来的空气,而在白天,这都往往不会被察觉到。”

    Our hearing becomes more sensitive . My sense of smell is more acute , and you can really appreciate the air on your face in a way that during daylight hours , these things go unnoticed .

  29. 利用PC扬声器产生语音的方法与听觉推理

    The method of producing speech by PC loudspeaker and the hearing consequence

  30. 重型颅脑损伤病人的脑干听觉诱发电位与CT基底池形态变化的比较研究

    Brainstem auditory evoked potential and Changes of Basal Cistern of CT scanning of the patients with severe head injury