
  • 网络piracetam
  1. 目的:观察复方吡拉西坦治疗Alzheimer病的疗效。

    AIM : To confirm the effect of piracetam compound ( PC ) on Alzheimer 's disease .

  2. 方法将60例轻中型脑伤患者随机分入奥拉西坦治疗组(30例)与吡拉西坦对照组(30例)进行治疗,通过MMSE量表、WMS量表对两组疗效进行评价。

    Methods Totally 60 patients with mild or medium brain injury were randomly assigned to receive oxiracetam or piracetam as control . MMSE and WMS scales were used to evaluate the therapeutic effects .

  3. 以非那西丁为内标,采用HPLC法测定吡拉西坦(脑复康)片的含量。

    Piracetam tablets were determined by HPLC using phenacetin as internal standard .

  4. 加兰他敏与吡拉西坦治疗老年性痴呆和良性衰老性遗忘症的比较

    Galantamine vs piracetam in treatment of senile dementia and benign senescent forgetfulness

  5. 吡拉西坦的大鼠体内药物动力学具有线性药物动力学特征。

    The pharmacokinetics of piracetam in rats is of the linear pharmacokinetic characteristic .

  6. 吡拉西坦对癫痫儿童认知功能及抗癫痫药物血药浓度的影响

    Effects of Piracetam on Cognitive Functions and Serum Antiepileptic Drugs Concentration in Epileptic Children

  7. 目的观察并比较独一味和吡拉西坦对小鼠学习记忆能力的影响。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effects of Herba Lamiophlomis on learning and memory ability of mice .

  8. 结论灯盏花素注射液与吡拉西坦注射液可以直接配伍使用。

    Conclusion The breviscapine injection and piracetam could be combined use directly without diaspense abstinence .

  9. 目的:比较尼麦角林与吡拉西坦对血管性痴呆的疗效。

    AIM : To compare the therapeutic effects of nicergoline and piracetam on vascular dementia .

  10. 复方吡拉西坦治疗248例增龄相关记忆障碍

    Double blind trial on choline + piracetam in treatment of age-associated memory impairment in 248 cases

  11. 吡拉西坦对D-半乳糖致衰老模型大鼠脑组织超氧化物歧化酶活性和丙二醛含量的影响

    Effects of Piracetam on Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Malonaldehyde Content in Brain Tissues of D-galactose-induced Aging Rats

  12. 吡拉西坦对水浸-束缚应激大鼠脑内单胺类递质含量的影响

    Effects of piracetam on the content of monoamines transmitter induced by restraint water-immersion in the rat brain

  13. 目的:观察复方吡拉西坦对增龄相关记忆障碍的疗效。

    AIM : To observe the effect of choline + piracetam to treat age associated memory impairment ( AAMI ) .

  14. 目的:对记忆力减退患者66例进行茴拉西坦(阿尼西坦)、吡拉西坦随机单盲阳性药物对照治疗并对疗效进行观察。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the therapeutic effects of aniracetam and piracetam in 66 hypomnesis patients in single blind randomly way .

  15. 结论奥拉西坦与吡拉西坦治疗轻中型脑伤均有效,但前者疗效优于后者。

    Conclusion Oxiracetam and piracetam are effective in the treatment of mild and medium brain injury , but oxiracetam is superior to piracetam .

  16. 吡拉西坦能够促进脑循环,增加脑部葡萄糖代谢,加强儿茶酚胺类、5&羟色胺、乙酰胆碱和谷氨酸等神经递质的传递。

    Piracetam is thought to improve brain circulation , brain glucose metabolism , and facilitate neurotransmission of catecholamines , serotonin , acetylcholine , and glutamate .

  17. 将连续收治的48例轻中型脑损伤患者随机分入奥拉西坦组和吡拉西坦组,每组24例。

    A total of 48 consecutive patients with either mild or moderate brain injury was randomly assigned to either oxiracetam group or piracetam group with 24 cases in each group .

  18. 对照组用脑复康胶囊(吡拉西坦)0.2g/粒,每次4粒,每日3次,三餐后半小时用温开水送服,连续服用2个月为1个疗程。

    Control group with Piracetam Capsule ( piracetam ) 0.2g / tablets every 4 , 3 times a day half an hour after meals with warm water delivery service , for taking 2 months for a course of treatment .

  19. 通过对脾肾两虚型轻度认知障碍的临床疗效观察,并与脑复康胶囊(吡拉西坦)对照,以探讨其疗效机理,为该药临床推广应用打下基础。

    Through the spleen and kidney deficiency type mild cognitive impairment Clinical Observation and Piracetam Capsule ( piracetam ) in control , to explore the mechanism of its efficacy for the drug lay the foundation for clinical application . Ways : 1 .