
  1. 这部后现代主义风格电影分为上下两集。刘镇伟对《西游记》的改编天马行空,荒诞至极。但片中包裹在时空穿梭以及超现实的搞笑情节之下的,是一段潇洒、唯美的传统爱情故事。

    Yet beneath all the time-travelling and supernatural slapstick of this postmodern two-parter is a traditional love story so cheesy it 's actually romantic .

  2. 他的设计作品不仅包含传统的张力,还有一种超越时代的风格特征,如现代主义、后现代主义等风格特征。

    The work he produced possesses not only an inherent tension but a distinctive character going beyond the time , which foresaw the features of Modernism and Post-modernism .

  3. 罗斯的小说内容以大幅的性爱、信仰危机、非理性主义、怀疑论等描写为基本特征,体现了后现代主义写作风格。

    Concerning the content of his novels , there is usually a post-modernist feature , characterized by a wide description of sex , the crisis of belief , irrationalism , skepticism , and so on .

  4. 本文从建筑本身的因素和特征出发,分析了后现代主义建筑风格的发展前提、产生背景、理论基础、表现类型和方式以及衰落的原因。

    Based on the characteristics and factors of architecture , the development presuppositions , the born backgrounds , the theory basis , the expression types and the declined reasons of the post modernism architecture styles were studied on this paper .

  5. 装饰艺术与后现代主义设计的风格比较研究

    The Research of Design 's Style in Art Deco & Post Modernism

  6. 后现代主义设计的风格和文化理念

    The Style and Cultural Concept of Post - Modernism

  7. 凯氏被称为巴黎乐坛沙皇,他上承古典的现实主义风格,后启现代的浪漫主义风格。

    Cherubini , the musical czar of Paris and the link between classic idealism and modern romanticism .

  8. 貌似传统的现实主义叙述与实为后现代主义的文本结构,成为纳博科夫区分于其他后现代主义作家的独特风格。

    In a sense , Nabokov 's unique post-modernism style was characterized by a combination of the traditional realistic narration and the complicated text structure of postmodernism , which distinguishes Nabokov from other post-modern writers .