
  • 网络post positivism;post-positivism;postpositivism;post-positivist
  1. 其三,认为后实证主义的研究范式正在改变着西方教育管理的研究范式;

    Thirdly , it thinks the research paradigm of post-positivism is changing the research paradigm in the western educational administration .

  2. 建立在后实证主义、批判主义、建构主义三种范式基础之上的质的研究方法在比较教育研究中日渐显其重要地位。

    Quality study , with its establishment based on post-positivism , criticism , and constructivism , is increasingly prominent in comparative education study .

  3. 扎根理论源于后实证主义和符号互动论,是质性研究中的核心研究方法之一。

    Grounded theory is one of the core research methods in qualitative research .

  4. 教育管理学,在美英等国,其研究已走向实证主义和后实证主义多元并置和多元融合的发展之路;

    In abroad , the research of the science of educational management has embarked on the path of multi-parallelism and multi-polarity marked by positivism and post-positivism .

  5. 20世纪末,现代教育理论的基本目标和假设遭遇到疯狂的颠覆,比较教育的研究范式也发生了巨大的转换,从实证主义转变为多元主义和后实证主义。

    With the subversion of modern educational theories at the end of 20th century , the paradigm of comparative education has shifted from positivism to post-positivism .

  6. 自20世纪六七十年代以来,随着逻辑实证主义的衰落和后实证主义的兴起,科学在整个人类文明中地位及科学与文化关系日益成为科学哲学研究的主题。

    From the 60-70s of the twentieth century , science is becoming the main topic of philosophy of science among the relationship of science and culture .

  7. 当前心理学理论研究的复兴主要得益于“后实证主义”新范式的出现。

    The post-positivism absorbed scientific reality theory and science hermeneutics as its key theoretical hypothesis and attempted to reestablish theoretical bases of psychology with some new dimension .

  8. 实证主义和后实证主义不预设文化问题的存在,在此基础上形成的服务,并不能真正帮助服务对象。

    Positivism and post - positivism do not preestablish the existence of cultural problems , and service based on it cannot really help the object of service .

  9. 虽然纯粹科学理性的实证主义受到后实证主义者的批判,但是科学理性仍然是政策分析家区别于其他角色的重要特征。

    Although the pure scientific rational positivism was criticized by post-positivism , scientific rationality is one important aspect of policy analyst different from other roles in policy activities .

  10. 第二,科学哲学基础从实证主义、后实证主义转向演化实在论。

    Secondly , science philosophy changes from positivism , post-positivism to evolutionary realism . Since the death of positivism in the 1970s , philosophers have turned to scientific realism , evolutionary epistemology , and the semantic conception of theories .

  11. 后实证主义解决了经验环境与形而上学环境联结的问题,理解主义和批判主义提供了解决价值无涉与价值关涉矛盾的可能,而三大主义又都要求以经验实证为基础。

    While post-positivism accounts for the connection between empirical environment and metaphysical environment , comprehensiveness and criticism make it possible to solve the contradiction between " value free " and " reference to values " . But all of the three isms call for the basis of empirical evidence .