
mínɡ yì huì lǜ
  • Nominal exchange rate;nominal rate
  1. 人民币名义汇率与实际汇率的理论及实证分析

    Nominal Rate of RMB and the Theory of the Actual Exchange Rate and Real Example Analysis

  2. 主要原因是作为政策手段的人民币汇率一直被低估,名义汇率低于贸易品购买力平价。

    The main reason lies in the underestimation of RMB , and the nominal rate was below the PPP in tradable goods .

  3. 本文运用向量自回归(VAR)的方法研究了名义汇率和国际市场价格波动对中国国内价格水平的影响。

    Through vector auto-regression ( VAR ), this paper studies the impacts of nominal exchange rate and import price fluctuations on domestic inflation .

  4. 通过对新兴经济体和发达国家的数据使用面板数据模型进行检验,发现进出口比例和GDP增速对名义汇率有显著的影响。

    The panel data models on several emerging economies and developed countries tells that the proportion of imports and exports and GDP growth rate have a significant impact on real effective exchange rate .

  5. 基于前人的研究,论文模型采用引力模型,影响因素选择了引力模型中代表经济总量的人均GDP和研究较多的名义汇率、绿色壁垒及贸易协定和组织。

    Based on the previous research , the paper adopts gravity model , and the factors are GDP per capita from gravity model as well as the nominal exchange rate , green barrier and trade agreement and organization which are studied a lot .

  6. 这种调整最好是通过名义汇率下跌而实现,而不是通过像西班牙那样可能遭受多年的“竞争性通缩”(competitivedisinflation)。

    This adjustment is far better achieved through a decline in the nominal exchange rate than through the years of " competitive disinflation " that Spain , to take one example , is likely to suffer .

  7. 本文运用时间序列分析中的单位根检验J、ohansen协整检验和误差修正模型,分别就1997~2004年间人民币名义汇率变动及波动对中国向日本及欧元区国家出口的影响进行了实证分析。

    Applying unit-root test , Johansen co-integration test and error-correct model , this paper has an empirical study of the long-run and short-run impacts of the change and fluctuation of RMB 's nominal exchange rate during 1997 to 2004 on China 's exports to Japan and Euro region .

  8. 通胀下滑将部分抵消名义汇率上升的影响。

    A nominal rise would be partly offset by lower inflation .

  9. 人民币名义汇率超稳定&形成原因与维持条件

    Formation and Sustainability of Super - stabilization on RMB Exchange Rate

  10. 人民币名义汇率与中国对欧元区国家出口的关系

    Relationship between RMB Nominal Exchange Rate and Chinese Export to Euro Region

  11. 后者可以通过名义汇率或通胀上升来实现。

    The latter can occur through higher nominal exchange rates or higher inflation .

  12. 人民币名义汇率超稳定研究

    Studies on the Super-Stabilization of RMB Nominal Exchange Rate

  13. 与名义汇率相比,目前人民币汇率水平确实存在一定程度的低估。

    Comparing to nominal exchange rate , RMB is indeed undervalued to certain extend .

  14. 钉住货币篮机制在稳定名义汇率中具有缩小器作用。

    The Effect of currency basket in stabilizing nominal effective exchange rate is positive .

  15. 名义汇率与均衡汇率的偏离及其调整

    The Divergence of Nominal Exchange Rate from the Equilibrium Rate and the Adjust - merit

  16. 自2005年以来,人民币兑美元名义汇率已上涨31%。

    In nominal terms , it has risen 31 per cent against the dollar since 2005 .

  17. 人民币名义汇率按照事先预定好的节奏每年升值3%至6%,这种情况只会鼓励投机性资本流入。

    A pre-ordained nominal appreciation of three to six per cent annually only encourages speculative capital inflows .

  18. 名义汇率对进口价格和国内价格水平波动影响力有限,也不是导致国内价格波动的主要原因。

    Nominal exchange rate is neither the main reason nor powerful in causing the domestic price fluctuation .

  19. 计算的结果是人民币名义汇率长期被低估。

    The result is that the nominal exchange rate of RMB has been undervalued for a long time .

  20. 自从布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,名义汇率和实际汇率的波动成为世界经济的常态。

    Since the breakdown of Bretton Woods System , both nominal and real exchange rates have fluctuated frequently and widely .

  21. 自1997年东亚金融危机爆发以来,人民币名义汇率相对固定,与此同时中国经济经历了相当长时期的通货紧缩。

    Since the eruption of East Asian financial crisis in 1997 , China has maintained an almost fixed exchange rate .

  22. 在短期内,中国可以保持相对固定的名义汇率,而接受更高价格。

    But in the short run , China could keep a relatively rigid nominal exchange rate and accept higher prices .

  23. 总体上看,人民币名义汇率和实际汇率自1980年以来基本呈持续贬值。

    Totally , renminbi nominal exchange and real rate of exchange since 1980 has been on the trend of depreciation .

  24. 人民币名义汇率面临升值压力的原因主要来自国外和国内两个方面。

    The main reasons of appreciation pressures which RMB nominal exchange rate are facing are from both abroad and domestic .

  25. 结合当前宏观经济形势,运用修正的蒙代尔&弗莱明模型对名义汇率升值条件下的宏观经济政策搭配效果进行了研究,并提出了相应的政策建议。

    Raised policy proposals after study the effectiveness of policy combination of the macro-economy policies by using the widened Mundell-Flemming Model .

  26. 实际汇率的升值(理想情况下可通过名义汇率升值实现)将有所帮助。

    An appreciation of the real exchange rate , ideally via a rise in the nominal exchange rate , would help .

  27. 是近乎固定的名义汇率与不断下降的实际汇率的结合,才造成了这种结果。

    It was the combination of a virtually fixed nominal exchange rate with a depreciating real exchange rate that made it so .

  28. 实际汇率的升值或者是通过国内物价水平的上升或者是通过名义汇率的升值来实现。

    The real exchange rate appreciates by the increase in domestic price level or by the appreciation of the nominal exchange rate .

  29. 自此标志着人民币退出了1997年以来的固定汇率制度,人民币名义汇率呈现出单边升值的趋势。

    Since 1997 , the Yuan has exited the fixed exchange rate system which is showing a unilateral appreciation trend in nowadays .

  30. 实际上,所谓日元过于强势的说法,主要是基于名义汇率很大程度上,这是一个有误导性的指标。

    Indeed , claims the currency is too strong rest in large part on the nominal exchange rate a largely misleading indicator .