
  • 网络Nominal effective exchange rate;NEER
  1. 名义有效汇率反映的是一种货币在贸易加权基础上相对于一组其他货币的价值。

    NEER measures the value of a currency relative to a pool of other currencies on a trade-weighted basis .

  2. 根据国际清算银行(BIS)公布的人民币名义有效汇率指数来看,从2005年7月至2010年2月,根据贸易权重计算的人民币名义有效汇率累计升值12.55%,人民币实际有效汇率累计升值18.87%。

    According to Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) from July 2005 to February 2010 , under the trade-weighted nominal effective exchange rate , the cumulative appreciation of RMB is 12.55 % , the RMB real effective exchange rate has appreciated 18.87 % .

  3. 通过研究本文发现人民币名义有效汇率对进口价格指数的短期传递效应为-0。

    Research shows that short-term pass-through effect of RMB nominal effective exchange rate to import price index for-0 .

  4. 检验结果表明:名义有效汇率对进口价格的传递是不完全的,名义有效汇率对国内物价水平的影响不是一对一的。

    The conclusion is that : the transmission of the nominal effective exchange rate to the import price is incomplete .

  5. 该模型选取人民币名义有效汇率、国内物价水平、外国物价水平、国内生产总值四个变量进行研究。

    The variables include RMB nominal effective exchange rate , domestic price level , foreign price level , gross domestic product .

  6. 名义有效汇率每上升1%,大约会引起房地产价格上升1.268057%。

    Nominal effective exchange rate , one percent per dropping , will cause approximately 1.268057 percent increasing in the price of real estate .

  7. 短期内,名义有效汇率一个百分点的变化会导致消费者价格指数0.15的变化。

    Short term , the nominal effective exchange rate by one percentage point change will lead to changes in the consumer price index of 0.15 .

  8. 从而表明人民币升值对国内物价水平的影响是不显著的,名义有效汇率的总体传递效应较小。

    Hence the impact of the appreciation of the RMB on the domestic price level is not significant and overall , the nominal effective exchange rate pass-through is small .

  9. 文章在编制了名义有效汇率指数的基础上,再剔除物价因素的影响编制了实际有效汇率指数,物价指标选择的是各国以2005年为基期的居民消费价格指数。

    At the base of having established nominal effective exchange rate index , the article also constructed real effective exchange rate indices , which had excluded the impact of price . Consumer price index was selected .

  10. 长期关系表明名义有效汇率单位百分比的变化会导致进口商品价格指数0.49%,从而表明汇率是不完全传递的。

    The long-term relationship shows that 1 % changes of the nominal effective exchange rate will lead to 0.49 % changes of the imported goods price index , hence the exchange rate pass-through is not fully passed .

  11. 另一个关键因素将是一种内在升值倾向,其形式是名义有效汇率的向上倾斜,这可以根据经济复苏的阶段加以操控,从而更长久地实施这种汇率机制。

    Another crucial element will be an inherent appreciation bias in the form of an upward nominal effective exchange rate slope that could be manipulated according to the stage of economic recovery , enabling a more enduring implementation of this FX mechanism .

  12. 研究结果表明,自1990年到2003年8月的连续14年期间,人民币名义有效汇率虽然贬值了近40个基点,但人民币实际有效汇率却升值了3.59%。

    The result indicates that , during the 14 years from 1990 to August 2003 in succession , the nominal effective exchange rate of RMB devalues nearly 40 base points , but the real effective exchange rate of RMB appreciates by 3 . 59 % .

  13. 紧接着据此从经常帐户和资本帐户两个方面对人民币名义有效汇率影响国内价格水平展开理论分析,得出人民币名义有效汇率变动会在一定程度上降低国内物价水平的结论。

    Following is the theoretical analysis of the influence from RMB nominal effective exchange rate to domestic price level , by two aspects - the current account and capital account , finding that RMB nominal effective exchange rate in certain degree will reduce domestic price level .

  14. 据加拿大皇家银行(rbc)计算,人民币的名义贸易加权有效汇率在过去五个月实际上一直在稳步下降,因为人民币只是相对于走低的美元轻微升值。

    The Royal Bank of Canada calculates that the nominal , trade-weighted effective exchange rate has actually dropped pretty steadily during the past five months , as the renminbi has strengthened only slightly against a fallen dollar .