
  • 网络homogeneous market
  1. 主要有以下两方面的内容:1.将生产能力限制引入到Stackelberg模型中,研究了一个同质产品市场中的Stackelberg价格竞争模型。

    Mainly in the following two aspects : 1 . Introduce capacity constraints to the Stackelberg model , and study a price Stackelberg game model in a homogeneous product market .

  2. 一直以来欧洲就被视为单一和同质的市场。

    From early on Europe was considered a single and homogeneous area .

  3. 本文利用对策论和微分技术对国内同质产品市场均衡进行了分析。

    This paper applies the theory of game and differential technology to analyse a general equilibrium in the market of homogeneous products .

  4. 随着我国房地产业的迅速发展,中心城市住宅的郊区化趋势日益明显,同质化市场竞争更加激烈,国家政策调控频繁。

    With the rapid development of real estate industry in our country , the central city residential suburbanization increasingly apparent , homogeneity , more competitive market national policy regulation frequently .

  5. 传统金融学的一些基本假设如投资者理性、同质,市场有效等越来越受到人们的质疑,行为金融学的研究引起了实务界和学术界的广泛关注。

    Many basic assumptions in traditional finance such as rational investors and effective market are questioned by more and more people . Theorists and empirics pay more and more attention to behavioral finance recently .

  6. 随着电信业重组完成和3G发牌,所有电信运营商进入了全业务运营时代,同质化的市场竞争日趋激烈。

    With the completion of the reorganization in telecommunication and licensing of 3G services , all telecom operators have entered the age of full-service and competition in homogeneous market becomes increasingly fierce .

  7. 对节庆期间POP广告设计的专题研究,为商家企业在商品日趋同质化的市场环境中进行有效的POP广告设计,制造独特卖点,迎合消费者消费心理提供有益启迪和重要参考。

    Therefore , the study on the POP advertisement design during the festival provides a beneficial enlightenment and important reference for the enterprises , who face market full of the homogenous products , to design the POP advertisement effectively .

  8. 对产品空间位置差异的Hotelling模型进行了扩展分析,得到了与经典分析方法不同的结果,该结果能很好地解释同质产品中心市场形成的原因和机理。

    The extending analysis of the Hotelling model for spatial difference of homogeneous products is presented . A conclusion different from the classical one is obtained and it gives a satisfactory explanation for the central market formation mechanism of homogeneous product .

  9. 在同质化的市场竞争中,唯有传播能够创造出差异化的品牌竞争优势。

    Only communication can create alienation in the homogeneity of market competition .

  10. 面对产品同质化的市场,利润空间更需要品牌创造附加价值支持!

    The profit is more supported by brand margin when facing the market of product homogeneity !

  11. 同质产品电子市场价格分散度、信息价值与有效性测度

    Researches on Measuring the Degree of Price Dispersion , Information Value and Efficiency in Homogeneous-goods Electronic Markets

  12. 观点:消费者主权意识的日益觉醒的今天,不可能存在同质化的市场。

    Viewpoint : Nowadays , with the increasingly awakening of consumers'sovereignty consciousness , it is impossible to appear homogenous market .

  13. 在产品日益趋于同质化的市场环境下,产品属性已经无法继续给企业带来竞争优势。

    In the most markets , products tend to be homogenous and cannot bring firms with competitive advantage any longer .

  14. 产品同质化和市场恶意倾销对公司传统的研发管理提出了全新的挑战。

    Product homogeneity and malicious dumping to the KD company ' straditional market research management what it bring forward new challenges .

  15. 在商品日趋同质化、市场消费越来越感性化的今天,包装色彩在商品营销中的作用变得非常重要。

    The function of packaging color becomes very important in the sales of products under the circumstances of products homogenization and emotional appeals in marketing today .

  16. 品牌管理对于企业更加重要,产品日益同质化的市场竞争主要表现为品牌的竞争。

    So the brand management is more important than the enterprise itself , because the market competition of daily homogenized products is mainly for brand competition .

  17. 市场产品的同质化,市场产品单一,加之经济危机使得财险公司通过投资而获得盈利的渠道受阻,直接影响到财产险市场的发展。

    Homogeneous market and few of products coupled with the economic crisis make the insurance companies hardly obtain the profits by investing in the capital market .

  18. 在技术门槛低,服务同质化的市场环境下,满足用户的服务永远是核心的要素。

    It is low in the technological threshold , under the homogeneity market environment of service , the service of meeting users is a central key element forever .

  19. 中国茶业市场体量巨大,品牌众多,但严重同质化,市场分散,行业内没有形成领导品牌。

    Chinese Tea market is massive with lots of different brands but it also lack of a market leader , and every brand looks the same and the market is also decentralized .

  20. 由于家电行业产品同质化以及市场份额大的特点,吸引着众多资本的进入,导致行业内部竞争十分激烈。

    Because of the home appliance industry product homogeneity and the characteristics of a large market share , which attracting a large number of capital to enter and lead to intense competition within the industry .

  21. 在物质极大丰富、产品同质化的市场上,打造一个能够获得广大消费者认可和喜爱的品牌形象是至关重要的,而塑造品牌形象最有效的方法之一就是品牌代言。

    On the product market of material abundance , obtain the approval of the consumers and shape the good brand image are of vital importance , and one of the most effective methods is brand image prolocutor .

  22. 随着产品的同质化、市场信息的透明化、消费者决策的成熟化程度越来越高,品牌作为区分不同产品和服务的重要手段,受企业关注的程度也越来越高。

    With the homogenization of products , the transparency of market information , the mature of consumer decision-making is becoming more higher , brand , as an important means of distinguishing products and survices , suffers more attention by the enterprises .

  23. 在产品同质化和市场竞争激烈的时代背景下,各大商业银行亟待开拓金融服务蓝海&实现服务与产品相互渗透、相互融合已成为发展趋势。

    On the background of the times of homogenization in the product and drastic market competition , the major commercial banks desiderate to develop financial services " Blue Ocean ", which results the mutual penetration and amalgamation between services and products .

  24. 国内摩托车行业发展到了今天,众多摩托车生产企业面临着产品同质化、市场萎缩、原材料上涨等不利因素,价格竞争激烈,利润难以维持。

    As national motorcycle industry having been developed till present , a large number of motorcycle manufacturers face disadvantages like product homogeneity , market withering , original materials price increasing , etc. , price competition becomes intense , profit hard to maintain .

  25. 供应商市场处于完全竞争,厂商数量很多,产品同质;零售商市场为寡头垄断,一个是大型零售商,拥有买方势力,是领导者;其余为小零售商,是追随者;消费者有自己偏好的产品和零售商。

    Supplier market is perfectly competitive , and there are a large number of suppliers , products of which are homogeneity . Retailer market is oligopoly , in which there are a leader of large-scale and a lot of followers . Consumers have their different preferences of product and retailer .

  26. 随着商品、服务日趋同质化,商场市场竞争也日益激烈。

    As goods and services become increasingly homogeneous , shopping market competition is becoming more intense .

  27. 当前,沙发产品同质化严重,市场需求趋于多样化。

    Presently , the sofa product homogenization is serious ; the market demand tends to diversification .

  28. 与此同时,企业面临着商品、服务同质化严重、市场过度竞争的环境。

    At the same time enterprises are facing a fierce competition situation with almost identical products or services .

  29. 本文试图通过对山东省德州市德兴建设集团有限公司运河家园项目进行系统的营销策划,使其在日趋激烈且同质的房地产市场中脱颖而出。

    This article attempts to study the marketing planning system of Canal Home project of Dexing Construction Group Co. , Ltd. in Dezhou , Shandong Province .

  30. 通信行业几经重组,形成了几大行业巨头,随着产品的同质化和新增市场的萎缩,市场竞争越来越激烈。

    Some giants emerge after the reorganization of the telecommunications industry . Because of the similarity of the products and the shrinkage of the new markets , the competition is extremely tough .