
tóng zōng
  • of the same clan;same clan;consanguinity;of the same ancestor;have common ancestry;clansman
同宗 [tóng zōng]
  • [same clan;of the same ancestor] 宗法社会指同一大宗。后泛指同一家族或同姓

同宗[tóng zōng]
  1. 音乐资源共享与“同宗”音乐

    Sharing musical resources and music " of the same clan "

  2. “同宗”音乐是中国传统音乐特有的创作特色及传承现象。

    Particularly in traditional Chinese music , there are special composing features in music " of the same clan " that is the characteristic phenomenon of the heritage .

  3. 许多物种都是同宗演变而来的。

    Many species have diverged from a single ancestor .

  4. 本项研究中建立了区分同宗A同宗B以及四个交配型的试验方法,遵循着核移动的规律,这个方法能够重复。

    In this study , a testing method of distinguishing common A , common B as well as 4 mating types which follows the pattern of nuclear migration has been established . This method could be repeated easily .

  5. 指出PET、SPECT、OCT、UCT等的图像重建的数学基础与CT同宗同脉:而MRI是独宗。

    It is also pointed out that the mathematical foundation of PET , SPECT , OCT , UCT are of the same clan , except the MRI .

  6. 在“同宗”音乐形成的过程中,音乐资源共享是其内因。

    Sharing musical resources is the internal cause of its formation .

  7. 威廉王子、丘吉尔和布什同宗

    Prince William , Churchill and Bush Joined in the Same Family

  8. 同宗的同血统或同源;有共同祖先的。

    Of the same lineage or origin ; having a common ancestor .

  9. 双孢蘑菇的常规杂交育种由于次级同宗结合而变得困难。

    The routine hybridization of Agaricus bisporus is difficult for its secondarily homothallism .

  10. 书画同源吗?&我对书画同源和书画异源的异议中国同宗民歌琐议

    On the Chinese Folk Songs of the Same Source

  11. 苎麻疫霉生长速率菌落形态同宗配合性状的遗传研究

    Inheritance of growth rate , colony morphology and homothallic characters of Phytophthora boehmeriae

  12. 何忍见我同宗的人被灭呢。

    Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred ?

  13. 韩式骨与中国传统按摩同宗共祖,有异曲同工之效。

    Korean bone and traditional Chinese massage same clan ancestors , a similar effect .

  14. 同宗配合蜜环菌与欧美异宗配合蜜环菌狭义种的分子系统学关系

    Phylogenetic relationships between homothallic and heterothallic Armillaria mellea

  15. 可他们对这种正义和同宗的呼声也同样充耳不闻。

    They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity .

  16. 同宗的来自于共同祖先的;同血亲的。

    Coming from a common source ; akin .

  17. 文字学上的“表形文字”阶段,与绘画的始源同宗。

    And so during the visual periods , the characters and paintings had common ancestry .

  18. 把一对同宗同种的孪生兄弟,造就成了完全誓不两立的冤家对头,这只能说是人的残忍。

    It is human cruelty that turns twin brothers of the same feather into irreconcilable enemies .

  19. 中师与中学的语文教学虽为同宗,但它们之间的差异是客观存在的。

    Although Chinese teaching in normal schools resembles that in middle schools , the differences exist actually .

  20. 北方伦斯特的首领们对于他们南方同宗王族并无多少感情。

    The chiefs of northern Leinster had little affection for his southern branch of the royal race .

  21. 我说话若与他们相同,就等于放弃与你子民为同宗。

    Had I spoken like this , I would not be acting as one of your children .

  22. 不同地方的同宗民歌,形式相同、风格各异。

    Folk songs of the same clan in different places have the same form but various styles .

  23. 加州罕见柏木,比北美柏木略高,但有时属于同宗植物。

    Rare California cypress taller than but closely related to Gowen cypress and sometimes considered the same species .

  24. 同宗意识亦即共同的血缘意识或共同的先祖意识,它是民族观念的构成要素之一。

    The consciousness of common ancestry or consanguinity is a constituent element of the notion of a nation .

  25. 基督教自创立以来,就不断地与其同宗的犹太教发生教义、教规、甚至人身的冲突,这种现象在中世纪尤为明显。

    Christianity conflicted continuously with co-original religion Judaism on dogma , canon , even physical since its foundation .

  26. 中国和新加坡同是以华人为主体的国家,同文同宗。

    Chinese are predominant in China and Singapore , Singapore has the same language and ancestor as China .

  27. 同宗民歌是我国民间音乐长期传播的结果。

    Folks songs of the same origin is a result of the long time transmission of folk music .

  28. 同宗同祖的血缘亲情和同音共俗的传统文化,形成了闽台两地的特殊关系。

    The blood lineage and the same traditional culture have formed the special relationship between Fujian and Taiwan .

  29. 从对众多同宗民歌流的比较研究中,勾勒出源的基本特征;

    To compare a lot of congenetic folk music draw the outline of the basic characteristics of the origin .

  30. 民歌中的“同宗”现象研究,在当下越来越被关注,对于一个发展中的论题,往往会出现多种观点、不同视角的探讨。

    The study of the " Same Clan " phenomenon in folk songs has been paid more and more attention recently .