
tóng huā shùn
  • straight flush;sequence;tierce
同花顺[tóng huā shùn]
  1. 我从未见过有人有同花顺。

    I 've never seen anybody get a straight flush .

  2. 差点把我的肾赔进去.但还好手上有副同花顺

    Nearly cost me my kidneys , but fortunately I had a straight flush .

  3. Stannis认为哥哥Robert过往死了,国泰君安同花顺,自己就是铁王座的合法继承人。

    Stannis believes he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne now that his older brother is out of the picture .

  4. 可能来个10凑成同花顺吗?

    Will she be the ten and give me the straight ?

  5. 我用一手同花顺赢了这把牌。

    I had a flush to win the card game .

  6. 1277个同花顺。

    1277 flushes in any given suit .

  7. 她以同花大顺(最大的同花顺次五张)获胜。

    She won with a royal flush , ie the five highest cards of a suit .

  8. 他有一副方片同花顺的牌。

    He had a diamond flush .

  9. 好吧,黑桃皇后,黑桃杰克,黑桃10,9,8,我是同花顺!

    All right , queen of spades , jack of spades , 10 of spades , 9 of spades , 8 of spades , Straight flush !

  10. 大的散牌,一对,两对,三条,顺子,同花,四条,同花顺,皇家同花顺,葫芦。

    High card , One pair , Two pair , Three of a kind , Straight , Flush , Four of a kind , Straight Flush , Royal Flush , Full House .