- homeomorphism;bicontinuous function;toplogical mapping;topological transformation

The ( E_1 ) Topology in Banach Space and the Homeomorphism of Spaces
The mapping φ: X & > Y is a covering mapping if φ is an " k-to-1 ", open , local homeomorphism .
On Smooth CR Homeomorphisms between Real Hypersurfaces in C ~ n
On Chromatic Uniqueness of K_4 Homeomorphs
Homeomorphism problem on inverse limit spaces by Markov circle maps
Some properties of the pseudo-orbit tracing property is generalized to the weak shadowing property .
Let X is a compact metric space , f : X → X is a homoeomorphism .
The Boundary Correspondence of μ( z ) - homeomorphisms
Homology Fractal Interpolating Algorithm on Fractal Dimension of Julia Fractal Image with Attracting Orbit of n Period
On Homeomorphism of Quotient Spaces of LF Topological Spaces
C Compact . The Extremal Mapping with given boundary values and quasiconformal homeomorphisms on compact Riemann surfaces
Global Homeomorphic Grid Generation of Towel Shaped Region to Square Transition Region
A numerical generating method for global homeomorphic grid from towel-shaped region to square computational region
The ACL Property of Homeomorphisms under Weak Conditions
Every smooth CR homeomorphism from a real hypersurface of finite type to a real hypersurface in C ~ n is a CR diffeomorphism .
It is also proved that if 3-22 < κ / μ < 3 + 22 , then M ~ m is homeomorphic to a sphere when m > 3 .
The paper shows , that the condition " X is a homeomorphism " of the definition of a regular surfaces can be substituted with the condition " X is One-to-one " .
Extension of diffeomorphism group diff ( s ) in the case of non-fixed parameter length
Homeomorphism theory can be used to prove that the Li é nard type equation has only one periodic solution in some restricted condition .
Zhao presented that there exist 17 homeomorphic graphs in Gn . n + 3 , and then divided these graphs into five chromatic classes by the coefficients of the chromatic polynomials of the graphs .
We developed a segmentation method based on partial differential equation and a registration method based on diffeomorphic demons algorithm for medical images processing .
By constructing the Lyapunov functional , using the definition of homeomorphism map and linear matrix inequality , the global robust stability criterion can be obtained for the bounded parameter uncertainties .
Let f be a homeomorphism , the following statements were obtained : if f is distal and has POTP , then fn does not have the average shadowing property ;
In this paper all spaces are completely regular topological spaces . If p , q are belong to X which is a topological space , and p , q are remote points of X , are they homeomorphic in X ~ ?
Theorem 2.2.6 . There exists a docile right-translation homeomorphism f_a from I ~ 2 × I ~ 2 to itself such that f_a have a 1 & scrambled set with cardinality a but has no uncountable scrambled set .
In section 2.4 , a sufficient condition is given for a distal homeomorphism not having the POTP . In the end of this section , we describe the distal homeomorphism s of intervals and circles .
In order to observe the difference of cell death rate induced by Mullerian inhibiting substance ( MIS ) secreted from gonad , some cells were co-cultured with fetal testis or ovary in the same embryonic age .
According to definition of homeomorphism map , the uniqueness of equilibrium for Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with different-type delays .
We prove that for an open manifold with curvature bounded from below , it has finite topological type or it is diffeomorphic to R ~ n when its excess is bounded by some function of its critical radius .
We obtain a relation between the Nielsen number of coincidence points of two Dehn twists and the minimal geometric intersection number of the simple closed curves determining these two Dehn twist .